glory be thy name oh broadband internet Q_Q

Jan 15, 2009 11:33


i almost thought i wouldnt be able to make another day with dial-up. *whew*  i came home yesterday, opened my compie, first thing i get  " you have limited or no connectivity". but all's well obviously ^___^  *huggles mon laptop*

so, the show Lost has been around for 4 seasons, and i STILL don't know what the hell it's all about. I did saw a 10 minute glimpse of it on yesterday's rerun of  the last season's episode. And I must say, i'm very intrigued o_o  . Since there aren't many good tv shows anymore, i might just start watching Lost. from the top of course. Plus, that chick named Kate in the show is hawt.

oooh ! i finished my missin 101. time to post it up ~ on a seperate entry of course

lost, tv shows, down, mission101, internet

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