Jul 17, 2007 18:56
Yeah, like that could happen. Right? *cricket noises*
Anyway, film school has been going pretty well. I've watched a lot of really great films (especially stuff like The Godfather, Goodfellas, City of God, Citizen Kane, Singin' in the Rain, etc), and, of course, I've also done a lot of work.
The first film I worked on is what I'm especially proud of. Updating and modifying a concept I had thought up months ago, I came up with a viable plan, and wrote, directed, and edited my first real film. A friend of mine in the class was the director of photography, and he did a smashing job. The final product was just what I wanted: a creepy, atmospheric mood piece that plays with audience expectations. My only complaints with the film: there were no extreme close-ups (showing some reactions would've been good), and one shot in particular was way too wide and overexposed. Other than that, it came out well.
I'll post it up on YouTube as soon as I figure out how to compress it down to under 100 megs down from 1.4 gigs without ruining it. >_>;
The film I'm working on now...well, I'm less enthusiastic about it. It's a script about killer apes. At first, I was like "This'll be fun!", but as we've worked, I've come to realize how cliché and juvenile the script is. It doesn't help that my co-star can't act. At all. His attitude really bugs me, too: he'll forget his lines, walk to go get his script, and then tell me "You need to learn your lines."
I mean, I know his lines better than he does.
The one good thing about this project is that the action sequences are fairly dynamic. We did all our own stunts, and the killer ape and I get down and dirty, as it were. Yes, you're allowed to make monkey porn jokes.
I'm disappointed, because I could've been in this film called "The Lost." To be fair, it was basically a generic crappy attempt at some kind of horror film. My friend Kyle (who did the camera work on my first short) took it home and did a complete re-write - after I had left for the apes. Watching the rough cut of the film on his computer, I can see it's something I would've totally loved to have been in.
Eh, oh well.
I should go eat. I am extremely famished.