Feb 16, 2005 19:56
ABout You
Your name: Zoe
Natural hair colour: dirty blonde
Eye colour: BLUE
Number of siblings: 3
Glasses/contacts?: contacts... I used to have glasses but I hate galsses so i got contacts!
Piercings: my ears. woah I'm a bad girl now! ow ow!
Tattoos: Nah
Braces?: Nope. AND THANK GOD!
Colour: Forest Green and Black
Band: Sugarcult
Song: I have way to many to say just one favorite song...
Stuffed animal: this yellow lmb that I've had ever since I was born :-)
Video game: Meh...
TV show: Seinfeld, Friends
Movie: Clueless..... others too
Book: To Kill A Mockingbird
Food: Anything my mom makes (she's a gormet chef)
Game on a cell phone: tetris! Um no ... I dun really know.....
CD cover: What a laime question.
Flower: a rose (I'm jsut your average hopeless romantic)
Scent: vanilla
Animal: a horse!!!!!
Comic book: Batman!!!!! TADA!
Cereal: froot loops and apple jacks! YUM!
Website: that one...?
Cartoon: Daria...
Do You
Play an instrument?: Cello and Piano.... classical! woot!
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: ha... um no.... maybe if I was 1,000 pounds and had ABSOLUTLY no life (i don't have a life but that would be major no-life- like)
Like to sing?: yeah... *bushes*
Have a job?: Nope. I want one though.... just not quite there yet...
Have a cell phone?: no.... *shakes fist in air*
Like to play sports?: NO!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I bloody wish.
Have a crush on someone?: Yes.... and I've liked him for like 5 months too...
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: Nah
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: Nape.
Have any special talents/skills?: If you could call being able to stay onlin all day a 'special skill' then yes, I do.
Excercise daily?: Well, I do gymnastics but I suck.... haha...
Like school?: I like it because I get to see my friends and stare at *him*
Can You
Sing the alphabet backwards?: NO! I just tried and yeah... heh... no
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: yeah!
Speak any other languages?: I can say a cuss word in German! If that matters to anyone...
Go a day without food?: most likely...
Stay up for more than 24 hours?: urm... never tried... but I probably couldn't... I'd jsut be extremly pissy....
Read music, not just tabs?: yes... if that means the same thing I'm thinking it does...
Roll your tongue?: NO! I'M SO PISSED ABOUT IT TOO!!!!!!!!
Eat a whole pizza?: ummm.....??????
Have You Ever
Snuck out of the house?: yes... :-)
Cried to get out of trouble?: Probably when I was around 5 or something....
Gotten lost in your city?: No.... 'hey, where am I?'
Seen a shooting star?: No... my life is so bloody predictable... nothing 'cool' or 'fun' ever happens!
Been to any other countries besides the united states?: No... once again, I have proven my life's loserisity...
Had a serious surgery?: Nope.
Stolen something important to someone else?: Nah...
Solved a rubiks cube?: No...
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Why yes, a few times.
Cried over a girl?: Well, if your friends were using you, you would cry too!.
Cried over a boy?: YES. A billion times.
Kissed a random stranger?: Nope.
Hugged a random stranger?: Nope.
Been in a fist fight?: No.... does a 'sissy fight' count? haha....
Been arrested?: Nope
Done drugs?: No...
Had alcohol?: Yep.
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: No, but once I tried to do that.... hahaha....
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: No...
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: No... but last year there was someone that did that...
Swore at your parents?: Not to their face, but I have behind their backs after they've jsut pissed me off...
Been to warped tour?: Nope...
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been in love?: I thought I was, but I don't think it was actually 'love'... it was more like an illusion...
Been close to love?: Yes... I beleive so...
Been to a casino?: Yes... GO LAS VEGAS!
Ran over an animal and killed it?: No... but that would be so tragic... *tear*
Broken a bone?: NOPE!
Gotten stitches?: No... but I caused soemone too... long story... and it wasn't on purpose... it was acutally my sister who i caused to get stiches.... long story.
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?: no.... GOD MY LIFE IS SO DULL!!!!!!!
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: No....
Made homemade muffins?: I don't think so...
Bitten someone?: Yes hahaha....
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Yeah.
More than 5 times?: No...
Been to niagra falls?: No.
Burped in someones face?: Yes.
Gotten the chicken pox?: Yep. When I was about 2.
Whens the last time you
Brushed your teeth: this moring....
Went to the bathroom: who looks at the time before they go to the bathroom?
Saw a movie in theaters: Umm eitehr last weekend or the week before last...
Read a book: Umm...SSR in language arts today...
Had a snow day: I live in a desert....
Had a party: yeah ummm dunno....
Had a slumber party: last weekend...
Made fun of someone: Umm... today...
Tripped in front of someone: No clue.
Went to the grocery store: Hm. Sometime um. I don't know.
Got sick: last year. wooop woop
Cursed: Today.
Pick one
Fruit/vegetables: FRUITS
Black/white: BLACK
Lights on/lights off: lights off
TV/movie: MOVIE
Car/truck: Truck
Body spray/lotion: lotion
Cash/check: CASH
Pillows/blankets: BLANKETS
Headache/stomach ache: STOMACH ACHE
Paint/charcoal: paint
Chinese food/mexican food: BOTH ~!!!!!!!
Summer/winter: winter and summer... i like em both...
Snow/rain: RAIN!!!!!!
Fog/misty: misty
Rock/rap: ROCK!!!!!!!!
Meat/vegetarian: MEAT!
Boy/girl: I'm a girl but I like guys... does that explain it...????????????
Chocolate/vanilla: vanilla
Sprinkles/icing: icing
Cake/pie: cake & pie
French toast/french fries: french toast
Strawberries/blueberries: they are both yummy!!!!
Ocean/swimming pool: BOTH!
Hugs/kisses: kisses
Cookies/muffins: both
p33n/bewbz: what the hell?
Wallet/pocket: Wallet
Window/door: Window
Emo/goth: dunno....
Pink/purple: PURPLE
Cat/dog: DOG
Long sleeve/short sleeve: short sleeve
Pants/shorts: pants
Winter break/spring break: winter break
Spring/autumn: autum
Clouds/clear sky: cloud
Moon/mars: moon
How many friends do you have?: uh
What are their names?: why should i name all of them?
Do you have a best friend?: YA!
Have you ever liked one of your friends?: YA.
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: I dunno... probably pretty evenish...
Have you ever lost a friend?: Yeah.
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?: I think so.
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?: bullshizzle.
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?: YEAH...
Do you miss any of your old friends?: No....
What friend have you known the longest?: umm...
Do any of your friends drive?: Ya.
Has a friend of yours ever died?: No.
What do you think your friends think of you?: i'm sarcastic i guess....
Love and all that crap
Have you ever been in love?: I think so not sure...
Are you single?: Yes... :(
Are you in a relationship?: Nope...
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: no.
Do you think love is a load of ****?: At times....
Word Association
Hat: old
Hard: rock
Free: usa
Space: boring
Taste: sweet
Good charlotte: wanna be's
Red: chinese
Deep: stuff
Heart: broken
Cheese: yummy
Rain: romantic
Pedal: bike
Bed: room
Fluff: pillow
Race: tracks
Knife: sharp
Jump: ing
am: me?
want: him
need: him
hate: lots of people
did: umm//.///
feel: like crap
miss: you
am annoyed by: flirts, posers, users, sluts
am tired of: preps
Silly Stuff
What is your favourite genre of music?: rock
What time is it now?: 7:57 PM
What day is it?: Wednesday
Whens the last time you called someone?: About 20 minutes ago...
Are you hungry?: No. I just ate.
Whatcha doin?: filling out this stupid quiz
Do you like parades?: umm.... I don't know never been to one... (((I am a deprived child)
Do you like the moon?: SURE WHY NOT?
What are you going to do when youre done with this?: Fly to the moon.
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?: Yeah. I like your style *randomness*
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: I could make anyone love me.
Have you ever had a picnic?: yeah...... I hate them though...
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?: What the fuck is a skip it?
What about sock em boppers?: What?
Are you wearing any socks right now?: No...
Do you think you are
funny?: At times.
sarcastic?: Yes, very.
lazy?: When I feel like it.
hyper?: When I've had alot of candy... and sometimes when I just feel like being hyper...
evil?: Only to the people I hate...
smart?: meh... I guess so...???
talented?: NO NO NO NO!
dorky?: yes! haha
Associate these words with somebody you know
high: shainey
skip: kaela
pen: Julie
flower: Ariana (she always wears flowers in her hair and stuff)
window: window? uh huh/..... what about... claire!
brain freeze: Taylor Rees
orange: Robin (from gymnastics)
jelly: megan (haha she's um plump)
For or Against
suicide: I'm not exactly 'for' it but i'm not 'against' it.... I'm 'with it'... I've thought about it before and things like that....
love: for
drunk drivers: against
airplanes: for
war: against
canada: um...? for i guess..?
united states: for ( I live here don't i) but sometines i'm not for it....
rock music: for
gay marriage: um I'm not gay so I wouldn't know.... i'm not for or against it I don't care.... I'm not against it though... they can't help it... they were born that way
school: for (it's fun to see your friends and meet people)
surveys: ummm... for?
parents: at times i am for and at times i am against
cars: for
britney spears: against
coffee: FOR!!!!!
pants: for
Would you ever
Sky dive?: most likely not...
Play strip poker?: yes
Run away?: yes
Curse at a teacher?: probably...
Not take a shower for a week?: no
Ask someone out?: nope...
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: no
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: YES!!!
Go scuba diving?: meh...
Write a book?: yes
Become a rockstar?: nah...
Last Questions
What shampoo do you use?: baht and body works shampoo
What kind of computer do you have?: an awesome imac! It's one of the only things I actually like in my house....
What grade are you in?: 6th
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: YES!
How many posters do you have in your room?: no clue.... around 5 pobably not sure though
How many cds do you have?: alot... let's leave it at that...
What time is it now?: 8:10
That was fun. ish. I just found out something sad. Not that it suprised me. I'm just so hopeless now.