Jun 15, 2009 09:37
Thursday: Went to the hospital to see my dad after work. Fortunately my friend and roomie was there to keep me company (and to navigate through the hell they call construction in that area). One of my brothers was there as well, so we basically chatted while we watched my dad sleep. He is either sleeping because he's so doped up on painkillers, or awake and screaming in pain (he recently had back surgery). He has a strep infection that they can't get rid of because none of the antibiotics they've tried are working. He also had a heart attack on Friday, and they think he had a stroke as well. I've got to say, things are not looking good!
Friday: Got up early and started painting. Went out and chopped up tree limbs, mowed and trimmed the lawn, while the paint dried. Went inside and painted the second coat of green. Back outside to clean the garage. And by clean I mean we took every single thing out of the garage, swept and sprayed it out, put the metal shelves together and put everything back in. Then, back inside to paint the trim. Then did some housework. Hung out for a short time with friends, then painted the second coat of trim. It was a long, busy day!
Saturday: Got up early for no good reason. Cleaned some more, organised boxes etc.. Then my brother and nephew, Apostate_1969 and Donky_Hokey, myself and my roomie went to pick up the heaviest computer desk I've had the pleasure of watching someone else carry! One of my coworkers bought a new place and let us have it for free, and I must say, it is really nice! It does take up a bit more space than we wanted, but it also provides quite a bit of extra storage space we didn't know we'd be getting. It looks great too, so we're happy with it!
Sunday: Got up early, again for no good reason. Cleaned some more. Sat down and actually got some pretty good worldbuilding done. We spoiled ourselves with lunch at Sizzler, then came home and made Rice Krispie treats to thank the fine folks who helped us move furniture on Saturday. Went to dinner at my brother's, then came home and started doing laundry. Managed to get a bit more writing in while working on the laundry before I had to stop and make my lunch for work on Monday. The laundry finally finished at about midnight, but didn't get folded and put away until this morning because my ass was ready for bed!
I need to go back to work to recover from my weekend!
weekend fun