Dec 05, 2005 17:29
So I feel like pulling the trigger to kill off my emotions right about now. Vaughn's mom has pushed me off the deep end. I don't understand how a parent can be so disrespectful to their kid, and how they can be so neglectful and a bad example. I cried more today than I have in a really long time, in fact, I'm crying right now. I feel as though this whole thing in which his grandpa is here to try to fix everything isn't going to work out the way we want it to, in fact, I don't know if it will work out at all.
His family doesn't and probably never did care about me, and it hurts beyond anything. I've always realized it after someone and I broke up, but to realize it while you're still with someone, especially when that person is someone you can see yourself spending your life with, it's sad. Something that's even worse is how I have come to realize that I have been the worst daughter in the world. I never realized how wonderful my mom was, until I realized that a lot of people don't have the type of mom that I have. My mom makes decisions based on what is good for me. It isn't like that for a lot of people. I knew getting involved with Vaughn's family would be hectic, but I'm breaking down. The only time I had to deal with drugs was with LJ and that was pot and alcohol. This is just unbelievable, and it's more serious. I can't take it anymore. I can't be around anyone in his family anymore....His dad seemed to actually take my point today. He only heard one side (Karen's) and today I MADE him listen to what I had to say. He forgot the circumstances that caused the fight, and didn't know the specifics of the fight besides the lies that Karen has beed telling him. Ofcourse he thinks I should apologize, but I've made up my mind that reconciliation will not happen. I will die and never talk to her again if need be. I can't put up with this anymore. It's begun to get out of control, and I want nothing to do with them anymore. I pray for Rhys, I pray that he gets lucky, and that he can get out, or find someone to talk to and keep him sane. Someone needs to make him talk the way Vaughn needed to talk.
I'm going to take a nap. I'll finish my post later.