Nov 10, 2005 23:16
im tired cause i've gotten a lake of sleep the past 2 weeks, and i almost fell asleep in some classes and i was in extremely weird moods because of how tired i am.
so it's only been like a week of winter guard and there's already craziness. one week down, 21(ish?) to go. thats right, it goes until april 1/end of spring break(even though it's called winter...)
the work is extremely hard and mike is terrible at teaching it, i have no idea how amy gets it so fast. i must admit, im jealous of her fast learning skills. . and i can't do any of it, especially at how fast it is.
on another note, i made basic sabre line. yay! i knew i wouldnt make advanced, so im just happy i get to try a weapon!
also, i was practicing my tosses today on sabre, and i thought i was only doing doubles, but fiona and sarah said they were triples! except not all the time, sometimes they actually were doubles and others they were triples. to most people getting a triple(and catching it) isn't that hard, or exciting cause they can do like quads and fives with no problem. but me, during auditions i was the only person that couldn't even do a triple. so im improving and im happy.
then i was working on the sabre try out routine some, and i've gotten a lot better at that, too!
to sum it up, incase you just skip to the end to see if anything important is actually in the entry, flag routine sucks so far, and sabre is getting a ton better.
leave comments please and have a nice day!
PS-changed my profile pic