
Mar 12, 2009 19:48

T.T Ugh proficiency exams are next week. I still have not passed my math proficiency. They didn't let me take the writing one cause I was missing half a credit so I was still considered a 10th grader D: I can't wait till testing week is over and hopefully I can pass my math.

In other stuff I'm almost done with Tomb Raider: Legend :D Dissidia is coming out soon for the psp so I'll have another game for it. -_- I'm not really done with Final Fantasy II yet (damn you dungeons) and OMG I'm such a geek. Today I brought FF7:advent children to anime club and we took a picture for the yearbook I hope I didn't come out too horrible. I'm thinking of starting to add pictures to my lj to make it more interesting. ^_^ especially of my dogs and my bird buddy. This morning when I was walking to school I could still see the moon clearly it was so big and beautiful. The sun hadn't come up yet but there was light and against the blue mountains I wish I could have run back to get my camera and take a picture of it :( St. Patrick's day is on tuesday sadly we wont get to enjoy it cause of stupid exams.
well that is all for now bye bye ^_^

video games, anime club, exams, dissidia

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