Apr 05, 2007 21:00
So unbelievable I got an A on my the120 acting piece.... I can not believe it!!!! It was actually the only good thing that has happened lately. I still have an unbelievable mirgraine... Its been like two weeks without relief, and I am always tired. Like not tired but physically and mentally exshated. I don't know why. Maybe its the stress of school and work combined. I wish that I did not have to do summer school but if I ever want to get out of DCC I kinda have to do it. I am determined, and stressed... lol... Ironic eh? So today I got the book for the Fall classes available. I have made a huge decision to change my minor to Math instead of History. I just have to get a hold of my advisor whom I don't really know of and see if it is possible. So I guess we'll see...