Sleepy...... I is soooo sleepy......

Aug 16, 2003 11:03

Well, Its another day in the neighborhood....

Yesterday Cord Scott and schnoo, were all up here to bar-b-que and watch movies and such... but mom got pre-occupied, and the bar-b-que took too long, so we never got around to movies, instead we went to my dad's friends house cause he's got these wicked cool telescopes.... ohhhh soo cool. So we looked at Mars and the Moon, It was very cool, and we headed home... We had decided to watch Solaris with George Clooney.... Dude, It sucked so much ass, we were all falling asleep.... Sucked.... Don't waste your time... And I'm sitting here thinking this movie sucks we should have watched Cutthroat Island.... Cause Schnoo has never seen it... but oh well... SO Cord and Scott went home (thanks for the back rub by the way) and I took schnoo home.... SO it was all good.
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