Oct 01, 2009 17:39

My promotion got approved, it only took 9 freakin' years but I'm now officially a SENIOR technician.  Which doesn't mean anything about my job changing, but includes a small increase in pay which is awesome considering no one is getting raises this year!!   Our group had cake for me and my coworker (who also got the same promotion - she's been with the company for almost 30  years I think, I don't feel so bad when I think about her!)  and mom took me out to dinner last night to celebrate. *happy dance*  I'm so excited, it's nice to know others appreciate all the crap I do!

On to my favorite topic the new TV season:

I'm gonna go in order of what day  the shows are on so here we go,
1.  Amazing Race - Within the first 5 minutes I swore I wasn't going to like any of the teams and that I might not keep watching.  By the end I like more of the teams then I dislike, which is rare for me, so YAY AR!
2.  One Tree Hill - Surprisingly, even with no Chad Michael Murray, I love this damn show!  Some of the storylines - Mouth or Mia  stuff - bore the shit out of me.  Others have me HOOKED!  I especially love any time Nathan's new agent is on the screen - especially when he's shirtless!!  However, they have GOT to get Alex off the show and fast because every time she's on I want to throw the remote at my tv!
3.  Greek - This show makes me sad that I never went away to college, it looks like so much fun!!   
4.  Castle - Nathan Fillion ROCKS!  Need I say more? 
5.  Sons of Anarachy - SOA is probably my favorite show on tv - and yes I'm including SN in that list - I love pretty much everything about it, especially that we see a whole lot of nekkid Jax!  I look forward to Tuesday nights so damn much!!  Love the League storyline, HATE Adam Arkin (I think that's his name) but he plays the asshole pretty well.  When I was younger I was obsessed with bikers, watching SOA makes me realize just how much I could NEVER be someone's "old lady". 
6.  The Forgotten, haven't watched this week's episode but the Pilot was good and Christian Slater being on my tv again makes me a happy girl.
7.  Eastwick - Favorite new show of the season, the second episode was even better then the first - and that has nothing to do with Steve Carlson being on  it - especially when you couldn't even see his freakin' face and I still can't figure out what song -other than Like a Virgin - he sang!
8.  Criminal Minds - Love it like crazy!!
9.  Glee - Not as sold on it as I was in the beginning, didn't really love last night. 
10.  CSI:NY -  Danny in a wheel chair, seriously??  He's my man candy on the show, I need him running around being sexy and manly dammit!
11.  Survivor - I don't know how long I can stick with it this year, Russell is such a dickhead I don't know if I can tolerate him for long.
12.  SN - that gets it's own posts, all I'll say is that Jared is insanely gorgeous and I can't wait for tonight's episode.
13.  Bones -  so hit or miss, one week I'll be crazy in love with it and the next I'm bored out of my mind with it, but David Boreanz will always keep me coming back.
14.  The Mentalist - last week was lame, tonight is it's last chance, if it's not funny I'm deleting the season pass.
15.  Dollhouse - last week sucked, another show that gets one more episode and then it's deleted from my DVR.

So there's the rundown of my tv watching list.  I'm sure I've left some stuff off (like the Mtv shows I'm still hooked on and the bravo/lifetime reality shows I watch but I didn't have much to say about any of those).

Now it's your turn my lovelies, anything I don't watch that I should be??   What are you all hooked on like crack??

tv nonsense, *squee*, random ramblings

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