Busy Month

Dec 03, 2005 18:53

Wow, I have a lot to do this month. Get this:

5th - 2 appointments in Auburn.
6th - Meeting with Alexis's teacher about her learning tests.
7th - 2 appointments in Auburn again.
9th - Going out with Heather.
13th - Alexis's Choir program.
15th - PAW X-mas party.
16th - Joe's wife Lara's graduation party.
19th - 2 more appointments in Auburn.
22nd - Alexis goes to her dad.
24th - Alexis comes back home.
25th - Alexis goes back to her dad for a week.

WHEW! And of course of top of all of that, I have to buy presents, do regular housework and errand crap. I'm tired thinking about it all.

Alexis is going to her first sleep over in a loooong time tonight. A girl 4 houses down from us. Her name is Jerri. Parents are supposed to walk over here to pick her up and so we can meet. I'm glad they didn't have a problem with me requesting to talk and meet with them before she goes over. I hope it goes well.

My sister's hubby, Shawn, gave me a gift card a couple of months ago for Barnes and Noble. $20. So last night I ordered on-line a Vegan cookbook. It's called, Vegan with a Vengeance. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?EAN=9781569243589&x=4419312 I can't wait for it to get here :D

Put plastic over my windows today. I remember back in the day when the plastic was so thick you couldn't see outside and you had to use crappy bulky tape to put it on. But the kit I bought is really neat. You heat shrink it and you hardly know it's there. I like it. I hope it keeps the heat bills down. I'm sure it will though. Where my house is sitting gets wind from hell so anything will be a plus.

Got to go. They should be here soon. I reeeeeeeally hope this sleep over goes well for her. *crosses fingers*
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