Aww this was cute!! So I've decided to do it too lol =) 1. My username is ____ because ____. 2. My journal is titled ____ because ____. 3. My subtitle is ____ because ____. 4. My friends page is called ____ because ____. 5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
1. "Oxiluvronnie", because I am in completley and totally in love with ronnie durr lol. 2. "The Future Mrs. Kunath" because I hope that one day I can be the The Future Mrs. Kunath (Kuanth is Ron's last name btw lol) 3. "Because Love Is Forever", because my favorite show ever is One Tree Hill and in one episode the guy says to his wife that he loves her blah blah blah even though she cheated on him and broke his heart and whatever and he said he loved her because "Love is Forever" and I thought it was just oh so sweet =) 4. "Friends" because Im not too creative lol 5.
3. "Because Love Is Forever", because my favorite show ever is One Tree Hill and in one episode the guy says to his wife that he loves her blah blah blah even though she cheated on him and broke his heart and whatever and he said he loved her because "Love is Forever" and I thought it was just oh so sweet =)
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
1. "Oxiluvronnie", because I am in completley and totally in love with ronnie durr lol.
2. "The Future Mrs. Kunath" because I hope that one day I can be the The Future Mrs. Kunath (Kuanth is Ron's last name btw lol)
3. "Because Love Is Forever", because my favorite show ever is One Tree Hill and in one episode the guy says to his wife that he loves her blah blah blah even though she cheated on him and broke his heart and whatever and he said he loved her because "Love is Forever" and I thought it was just oh so sweet =)
4. "Friends" because Im not too creative lol
Because it's Christmas time =)
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