Oct 26, 2008 07:44
Separate, but tied together - by a string, or is it more than that?
How do you prepare yourself for the adventure ahead when you already know the ending? You can't change anything. All you can do is keep moving forward absorbing the story that was never told, until now.
The disdain you've felt for one character, all these years, is almost dissolved as those last seconds of film flicker into oblivion.
Sitting there, watching from above, his story was simple. He just wanted to be a hero. A person of good intentions in a world that was ruled by corruption.
How does that work out for you? Have you seen it yet? You should. It's sad.
"Live - for the both of us."
All the emotion stored into the written word. How it moves you. As you see the play act out, and the familiar scenery you remember where you are. And how those strings are all tied together. The memories of the forth coming chapters all pour out. It's been years but you still remember them.
Here he is, doing what he has to do to find acceptance. Because all he wanted were wings, like the man he held his faith for, hoping to some day make it all come true, and be a hero.
------My thoughts on Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7
It's all changing. The story is slowly ending. There is nothing left to be read from these books. Maybe you can try. Perhaps we've missed a page or two. But I truly doubt it.
"The Last Known King" is dead. His servant killed him. It's in the books.
But what ever happened to that other guy? The one that I have a faint memory of, but no one seems to remember either. Did he ever exist? Was he ever real?
I'll read the books again, we must have missed something.
All that is left is darkness. A realm of emptiness in the middle of existence. There is nothing there that can be called life.
But here he is with: no voice to call out. No thoughts to hold true. No power to move.
Nothing but the darkness that fills the room.
He can't remember where it starts. He can't remember where it ends.
Floating in this abyss his mind starts to break. What he once called memories are now nightmares. He wants to reach for her, but he can't try.
How long has he been there? Is there even a measurement of time here?
Ah - TIME. That is the key!
Time is the savior here. Time will change all that ails him.
This is how it all begins. This is how it all ends. In darkness. In emptiness. In sadness. In anger. In nothing.
He'll master Time and here, where nothing but he exists, he'll bend it. He'll mend it to be his tool.
He can have it all again. He can be with her one more time. He can make it all better for himself. He can find happiness and hold it - forever.
As time wraps around him, becoming his limbs, his strength, his eyes finally open. How long has he held them shut - denying where he had found himself, we'll never know.
Now he can move, again, but not like he once did. Not like a man. He isn't really. He never was. He's just a shadow. A servant of Time as much as a Controller. His mind shattered long ago. Long before he ever realized where he was or what he had before him.
As the path draws out before him he sees what he calls nightmares. The dreams of millions of lives tied together by a fabric of existence that doesn't exist here. But, still, he sees it.
It's Time...now...to make this all happen. First...he must control Railven, and have him kill Mura. The first catalyst. The first event in this story. Where it all begins, here in this empty room where one man, or once a man, sits starring at the fabrics of existence. His existence. What was robbed from him by the object we call Time.
He'll be born again. As the story plays out, all the events will line up again. He'll make sure of that. Keeping all the characters in line. Making sure all the same events transcend until that coming age when he is born. He'll have his time again. He'll never let it go.
It's his Destiny. This time.
-------One day while scribbling on paper this dark revelation came about. I sort of finished my little "Destiny" story in my head. One day I will write it down. Maybe. Anyways, in these little thoughts and connections I realized even though I did end the series, I never explained what happened to Victor. Marquis is introduced as "re-incarnation" of Victor and Railven as "Neo-Victor" and I sort of explain their origins pretty good. But, never once in the last circle of story was Victor mentioned again, until the very end but it was only Victor in spirit.
With that sitting in the back of my head I started to think of the "Corridor" chapters between some of the major chapters. In the story Victor travels through time, but he doesn't control it. He's pulled in, and when traveling between times he visits a character in the Corridors but this character is never explained. He just tells Victor things Victor already knows. I sort of put this character there just as a re-telling, for the previous events. In the chapter I called "Closure" Victor finds himself traveling the Corridors of his existence, on Gaia, and he has to make sure he makes the right decisions or he won't exist (time paradoxes, I love that kind of stuff.)
And that is where I see Victor at the end of the last chapter. He's stuck in between existence. Where time doesn't flow. He just doesn't know it. What amounts to millions of years his remains there, until one day his mind breaks and he forgets everything. At this same time the character I wrote in the Corridor chapters comes to him. And teaches him how to bend time, but he can only follow his existence.
In these chapters Victor's existence outside of Gaia is followed closer. As the story is developing in my head, the whole theme of "Destiny" and "Time" is fucking awesome. Victor created all the events that started his life, and he manipulates them to keep them going hoping he can change the event that leads to his destruction. How many times has this cycle happened? How many Victor's exist? Which one is the real? Is there a real one?
haha...I don't know, yet. but am eager to find out.
Life continues to flow like any other day. I'm sitting on my thrown watching my subjects play. My queen to be by my side. Enjoying what life serves us every day.
Yeah, I'm The Frog Prince.