Apr 06, 2006 09:18
- List 10 things you want to say to someone but you know you never will.
- Don't say who they are or who you're referring to.
- Disable comments.
- Never discuss it again.
First of all there are very few things i would not say to someone so if i don't get ten sue me!
oh and im not gonna disable my comments this is to fun lol
1. you have recently become an asshole and if you wonder why i keep jumping in your face thats why. i still like ya but you just don't seem to care any more and untill you do care im not gonna put up with you.(you can all guess who that one is lol)
2. this is to two people in general think before you act you dumbasses im tired of cleaning up your friendships because you fly off the handle and assume that we are out to get you... we are your friends if you want to assume someone is stabbing you in the back consider your source of information because thats seems to be where the bullshit is flying from
3. to all you cheaters out there just stop your not fooling anyone we all know when your hit you should to
4. this guy is awesome and one of my heros but would you stop repeating things over and over again if you piss someone off they don't want to be reminded of it for then next three days every thirty seconds.
5. you can't drink so you shouldn't make claims that you can it pisses me off when you say you can drink anyone i know under the table and after a couple shots of whiskey/coke your rolling around on the floor yelling WEEEEEEEE!
6. would you please just shut up in church its not funny anymore
7.pay attention when someone is talking to you and don't interupt them regardless of how much you feel the need to speak
8.stop making claims that your good at something your not, practice and get better at it by all means but don't say your good at it till you are
9. shut up and listen to people who know what they are talking about instead of just plowing through it by yourself sure you may get there but now you are already left behind as we all move on
(wow i made it)
10. LEARN TO DO THINGS YOU DON"T WANT TO DO!!!! (multiple people here)