And now for soemthing completely different!

Apr 17, 2005 06:03

Well not really, it's another DnD character, but this one takes an entirely different tact from the last few. It has a couple, somewhat annoying achilles' heels, but does so much damage that it could possibly be a contender. Check it out:

Name: Rukia Kuoniji “Shinigami”
Class/Level: Fighter 3/Ninja 7/Ghost-Faced Killer 10
Race/Gender: Human Female

Strength: 16 (22)
Dexterity: 14 (20)
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8 (10)
Charisma: 22 (28)

Hit Points: 143 (183 with Bear’s Endurance)

Armor Class: 34 ( +5 Dex, +8 Armor, +1 Insight, +5 Natural, +5 Deflection)
35 (Dodge or Haste)
36 (Dodge and Haste)


Hide 6 ranks, +1 Competence, +5 Dexterity (+12)
Move Silently 6 ranks, +1 Competence, +5 Dexterity (+12)
Jump 6 ranks, +1 Competence, +2 Synergy, +2 Ninja, +6 Strength (+17)
Tumble 23 ranks, +1 Competence, +2 Synergy, +2 Ninja, +5 Dexterity (+33)
Listen 10 ranks, +1 Competence, -1 Wisdom (+10)
Spot 19 ranks, +1 Competence, -1 Wisdom (+19)
Intimidate 18 ranks, +1 Competence, +9 Charisma (+28)
Concentration 4 ranks, +1 Competence, +2 Constitution (+18)


Dodge (Human Bonus)
Blind Fight (1st Level)
Power Attack (1st Level Fighter Bonus)
Weapon Focus, Greatsword (2nd Level Fighter Bonus)
Improved Initiative (3rd Level)
Improved Sunder (6th Level)
Mobility (9th Level)
Elusive Target [Tactical Feat] (12th Level)
Improved Toughness (15th Level)
Spring Attack (18th Level)


Ki Power (3/day)
Sudden Strike (+7d6)
Ghost Step (Invisible) (Ki Power)
Ghost Step (Ethereal, 4/day)
Poison Use
Great Leap
Acrobatics +2
Ki Dodge (Ki Power)
Speed Climb
Frightful Attack (3/day)
Ghost Sight
Frightful Cleave

Saving Throws

Fortitude: +20
Will: +12
Reflex: +20

Equipment (By Slot) (759,960 gp spent)

Main Hand: Greatsword +5, Brilliant Energy (162,000 gp)
Head: Circlet of Blasting, Major (23,760 gp)
Face/Eyes: Mask of the Skull (22,000)
Neck: Amulet of Natural Armor +5 (50,000 gp)
Shoulders: Cloak of Charisma +6 (36,000 gp)
Chest/Torso: Vest of Resistance +5 (25,000 gp)
Armor: Studded Leather +5, Heavy Fortification (100,000 gp)
Hands: Gloves of Dexterity +6 (36,000 gp)
Ring 1: Ring of Protection +5 (50,000 gp)
Ring 2: Ring of Blinking (27,000 gp)
Waist: Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36,000 gp)
Feet: Boots of Speed (12,000 gp)
Other: Dusty Rose Ion Stone (5000 gp)
Other: Pale Green Ion Stone (30,000 gp)
Other: Incandescent Blue Ion Stone (8,000 gp)
Expended: Tome of Leadership and Understanding +2 (55,000 gp, the effects of this item is reflected in the character’s base ability values)

Carried: Heward’s Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Iron Bands of Bilarro (26,000 gp)
Horn of Fog (2,000 gp)
Portable Hole (20,000 gp)
Poison (Dragon Bile) x5 (7500 gp)
Poison (Purple Worm) x5 (3,500 gp)
Dust of Appearance (1,800 gp)
Stone Salve, 1 ounces (4,000 gp)
Potion of Heroism x2 (1,500 gp)
Potion of Bear’s Endurance (300 gp)
Potion of Fly x2 (1,500 gp)
Potion of Resist Fire (30) (1,100 gp)
Potion of Resist Electricity (30) (1,100 gp)
Potion of Resist Cold (30) (1,100 gp)
Potion of Invisibility x2 (600 gp)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x14 (700 gp)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x10 (7,500 gp)

Attack Breakdown

Base Attack Bonuses (Including all feat, weapon and item modifiers)

Single Attack (Greatsword): +31
Full Attack (Greatsword): +31/+26/+21/+16

Situational Modifiers

Ranged Attack (for Iron Bands of Bilarro): +24

Full Attack (with Haste): +32/+32/+27/+22/+17
Full Attack (with Heroism): +33/+28/+23/+18
Full Attack (Haste and Heroism): +34/+34/+29/+24/+20

Special: Add +2 to all numbers when this character strikes from invisibility or ethereal using Ghost Step.

Damage Breakdown

Base Damage (Including all feat, weapon and item modifiers)
*assumes all attacks hit

Single Attack (Greatsword): 2d6 + 14
Full Attack* (Greatsword): 8d6 + 56
Critical: add 2d6 + 14 additional damage for each attack that is critical

Situational Modifiers

Single Attack (Sudden Strike): 9d6 + 14

Full Attack* (Haste): 10d6 + 70
Full Attack* (Haste and Sudden Strike): 45d6 + 70
Critical: add 2d6 + 14 additional damage for each attack that is critical


Three Round Warm-up:

1)Stone Salve
2)Potion of Bear’s Endurance
3)Activate Ring of Blinking

Once the fight starts:
As with the monk, previously, you’ll want to make some distance if you can and drink your Potion of Heroism. This character does a LOT of damage, but has a very low AC for its level, so you want to avoid toe-to-toe fights with most opponents. The trick with this fellow is the Frightful Attack ability. To understand Frightful Attack, we need to cover what Sudden Strike does. Sudden Strike is like Sneak Attack in that it lets the Ninja or Ghost-Faced Killer do extra damage when their opponent is denied their dexterity bonus to AC. However, it is not subject to the caveat that if the opponent is immune to critical hits then it doesn’t work. This means that foes wearing Fortification armor can still be wounded by a Sudden Strike. Now, up to three times a day while making a Sudden Strike, this character can designate one of her Sudden Strike attacks as a Frightful Attack. She then needs to use Power Attack on that strike and take at least a -1 to hit. If she manages to wound her opponent that character must then make a Will save with a DC of 29 or drop dead from fright. Most melee characters have terrible Will saves, ergo, it’s highly likely that you will kill them in one strike, regardless of damage. Now, how do you make them flat-footed so that you can pull this little stunt? Ghost Step. In the adventurer’s handbook, they introduce a concept called Swift Actions, which are like free actions but you only get one a round. Ghost Step can be used to make yourself Invisible or Ethereal for 1 round as a swift action. So step one is to make yourself invisible, step two is move to your target, and step three is break your invisibility with a power attack and designate the Sudden Strike as a Frightful Attack. If your opponent can see invisible, go ethereal instead. If your opponent can see Ethereal as well, well then, that’s the weakness of this build. Your best bet against observant opponents like these is to use the Iron Bands of Bilarro to try and incapacitate them for a Coup de Grace, or make use of your Mobility feat to provoke an attack of opportunity and try to put them on the ground using the “Create Overreach” ability of the Elusive Target tactical feat. If your enemy is using a medium or light weapon, you can also simply try to Sunder it, thereby negating their own ability to do damage. As a last resort you can also use your Mask of The Skull. Paladins and Monks are this character’s worst enemy because the Frightful Attack will not harm a Paladin (they are immune to fear) and because most monks have an extremely high will save. Against these foes, definitely try the Iron Bands of Bilarro first.

Things to keep in mind:
1)You can use poisons. Coating your weapon with Dragon Bile can seriously even the odds against physically strong opponents. Also remember that your weapon negates physical armor bonuses.

2)Keep in mind that the Blink effect from your ring will give you a 20% miss chance as well. This isn’t a huge deal considering how many attacks you get, but characters like fellow Ghost-faced Killers that can see ethereal, or anyone with a True Seeing effect will negate this item. In such encounters, just shut it off.

3)Make use of your high Tumble skill to avoid durect melee with Fighters and Barbarians.

4)Against opponents that have lots of displacement effects or against rogues and shadowdancers, use your Dust of Appearance to negate their stealth.

5)Spring Attack can be combined with your Ghost Step and Power Attack to make a Frightful Attack and still maintain your distance to prevent your opponent responding with a full attack action should they live.

6)Try using your Intimidate skill against every opponent. A successful Intimidate will lower their chances to hit, thereby compensating partly for your low AC.

7)Use Iron Bands of Bilarro against dexterity builds or other low strength characters to immobilize them for a Coup de Grace. Or if you really want to be mean, stuff them in your portable hole and let them suffocate.

8)The Horn of Fog can be used to create cover against opponents that can see through everything else.
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