Election Day

Nov 02, 2004 12:51

Well, I went and did my civic duty. I skipped the entire school board section because: A) I am not in any of the highschools here nor am I alumni. B) I have no children in said schools nor will I in the immediate future. C) I didn't know who any of the people listed were or what they stood for. Better just to leave well enough alone.

I voted yes to retain all of the court justices. Why not. I haven't heard anything bad about any of them in my daily radio listening.

I voted for the independant fellow for Sherrif. He has a solid record of helping charities and supporting the community and since he's independant, he's less likely to be influenced by partisan politics. I think that's very important for someone leading law enforcement.

I voted NO on prop 400 (Lite-Rail? Fuck that. Fix the highways we have, jackasses.)

I voted YES on 100 (The land swap proposition that will be used partly to help preserve military airports by claiming lands nearby so that they are not zoned for commercial or residential development.)

I voted NO on the proposition that would let the state basically lay claim to any tecnological inovation created on a State Universtiy. The state gets its revenue through taxes. The same taxes that the students and professors are paying. Why rob them of their work as well? Fuck that. A state government is not a corportaion and that prop just felt wrong to me.

I voted to raise the state rep salary to 36k. I am barely making ends meet at just under 30. And these people are running the state? It seemed fair.

I voted mostly libertarian for State Representatives. Mostly to be in line with my choice for president than for any particular political motivation.

And the big one. The President. I voted Libertarian. Why? The Lib. Canidate doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning, but by voting for him I am effectively cock-blocking Kerry (whom I greatly dislike) while at the same time showing my vote of null-confidence in Bush (who will probably win anyway, but not because I voted for him). And to be fair, I don't dislike Bush so much as I dislike his facist cabinet who (with the exception of Collin Powell) are basically all the same "good 'ol boys" club from the Nixon/Ford era. Hopefully the Congress will rebalance itself in such a way as to keep Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and Co. under control for another four years.
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