four hours of sleep = brain death

Dec 22, 2004 16:47

lipstick last night was crazy.
in a good way, not in a "i want a baby...the one in that woman's stomach" way
(which, by the way is the saddest, scariest, most obscene thing i have ever heard of.
seriously that shit makes me wonder about the state of humanity)
it was joe's birthday celebration.
fun was had,
people were met,
memories made,
new paths forged,
new dancing styles invented,
and much merry was of the making.

like five people i know came up to me last night and said "i didn't recognize you with that beard."
or something close.
and this worries me.
i thought my chiseled facial features would cut through
the beard.
apparently not.

but it can be argued that the beard is greater than many things.
beard > facial features.
beard > tennis
beard > space age plastics
beard > peru
beard < sex
beard < beer
but those last two were photo finishes.
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