The Force of Destiny, Epilogue

Dec 27, 2009 21:23

Original Post
Rating: PG
Pairings/characters: Everyone
Word count: 1053
Spoilers: While this alters the end of S2, there are still minor spoilers for the whole run of the show, including S3.
Summary: The gang gathers at Locksley for Christmas.
Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with TA, the BBC, or the production of the show, and intend no infringement through my tale.
Notes: A huge thank you to everyone who's read this whole thing! It was a huge undertaking, and I'm so pleased to finally be sharing it. :)

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Locksley Manor was packed, but considering the harsh weather, it was a welcome coziness. Robin leaned back in his chair and glanced around at his friends with the satisfaction of a man who is truly happy. To his right, Much was jumping up to refill Eve's plate. He had been waiting on her hand and foot since she discovered that she was with child; she told Marian that while it could get a little frustrating at times, he was so sweet about it that she could not truly be upset. Meanwhile, Much had been getting increasingly nervous about fatherhood, so Robin had invited him on a weekend trip that was supposedly for hunting, but was actually intended to get him to relax as much as he could. While the trip had been planned for Much, Robin found that he had taken a lot away from it, too. It had been a long time since just the two of them spent time together, and Robin had been reminded of the many reasons he liked Much, and why they had been such close friends for so long. They had both come back calmer and renewed.

Beside Eve, Allan and Will were chatting. Will was lightly bouncing his baby daughter, Safiyya, in his arms while he talked, while Allan's arm was across the back of Kate's chair on his other side. She was leaning across the table to hear what Alice was saying, and Robin wondered if they were discussing the orphanage that the Littles had opened outside of Locksley. Kate had been pitching in there, when she was not overseeing things in Farthing, which had been granted to her and Allan as an early wedding gift from Guy. They still would not be married for another couple of months, but the manor had been unused for awhile and needed a lot of work, so they had taken residence to help with some of it and oversee what needed their input.

Across from Robin, Carter and Tuck were engrossed in a discussion about a reading at the Christmas service that morning. At Robin's request, Tuck had taken over Locksley's chapel, and was now drawing people from the surrounding villages as well to hear his sermons. During the week, he held some classes for interested village children, and went to the orphanage to do the same.

Sakina briefly interrupted the discussion by handing Carter a goblet of wine that she had retrieved for him. The two had been married rather hastily, less than a month after moving into their house and workshop. Not much had been said on the subject, and she apparently was not increasing, so nobody was quite sure what had happened there. The two exchanged a warm smile, and she kissed him on the cheek before rejoining the group of people gathered in front of the hearth.

That group that sat around the fire primarily consisted of children from the orphanage, joined at the moment by Atiya, both John Littles, Meg and Guy, and Guy's son Seth. The smaller children were climbing all over Little John, while Meg was telling a story to the older ones. Guy was seated beside her, listening to her tale with Seth, and somehow appearing at ease amongst the youngsters, which Robin would never have expected. Seth's mother, Annie, and her husband, a baker called Mark, were nearby. Shortly after his appointment as sheriff, Guy had approached them with a large sum to help with his raising, and to keep in trust for him. Initially, they had denied him access to the boy, but after witnessing the good he was doing for the people, had finally worked out an arrangement for him to see Seth. It was a situation which was still being worked out, but for tonight, everyone involved was at a peaceful understanding.

The only other small child who was sitting still was Atiya, cuddled up next to Little Little John. The two had grown a bond over the short time they were in camp; while it was cute, it also made Robin a little nervous.

It reminded him of when he and Marian were children.

Just then, movement on the stairs caught his eye. Glancing up, he saw Djaq preceding Marian down the steps. His wife was taking her time, both because of the bundle in her arms, and because she was still healing from the birth of their son three days earlier. The baby had come unexpectedly and early, but Matilda was pleased with how both mother and son were faring, so there was no alarm. And while she had not been able to join in the festivities that night, she had sent a cake with Djaq, who was now working with her, the two sharing what they each knew of medicine and becoming stronger healers for it. Djaq said something that made Marian laugh, and then went to her seat beside Will and Safiyya. Marian came toward Robin, looking much more at ease than she had before having the other woman look at the light rash on their baby's bottom.

"Is everything all right?" he asked as she reached him.

She nodded and held Edward out for him to take. He carefully settled his son into his arms, and she gingerly settled into her seat. "She said it's perfectly normal."

Bright blue eyes peered up at him, and he ran his finger along Edward's tiny hands until the infant seized onto it. "Glad to hear it."

Seeing that her baby brother was back in the room, Atiya jumped up and ran over. Holding her arms out to Marian, she said, "Up, Mummy?"

There was a burst of laughter from the end of the table, as their friends found something amusing.

Carefully, Marian lifted the girl onto her lap, and they were sitting in such a way that Marian could lean her head on Robin's shoulder and gaze down at their son. Seeing this, Atiya decided to imitate her, and leaned on his arm.

It was a perfect feeling, a perfect happiness, and even his heart was smiling. He ducked to kiss the top of Marian's head.

Life for Robin of Locksley, Earl of Huntington, and his friends was finally right and good.


pair: robin/marian, char: guy, char: alice, char: eve, rating: pg, char: much, pair: carter/sakina (oc), char: allan, genre: friendship, fic: the force of destiny, char: carter, pair: will/djaq, char: robin, char: seth, char: atiya (oc), char: annie, char: marian, char: little john, pair: little john/alice, char: kate, genre: romance, comm: bigbanghood, char: will, char: safiyya (oc), char: djaq, length: multichapter, pair: guy/meg, char: sakina (oc), pair: allan/kate, pair: much/eve, char: meg, fandom: robin hood, char: tuck, char: little little john, char: edward (oc)

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