An Unpleasant Pleasantness

Feb 25, 2011 12:24

Original Post
Word Count: 147
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Vaizey, some guards
Disclaimer: I claim no rights toward the show Robin Hood or the characters portrayed therein, and mean no infringement by my little tale.
Notes: For treatguardsrite in rh_intercomm, based on song prompt "All Along The Watchtower."

The latest meeting of the Black Knights had apparently gone very well. The sheriff's coffers were brimming over, with only a fraction of that money due to Prince John. So much was going well for Vaizey, in fact, that he was being kinder than usual to his guards. He had only concussed three that week, and two of them had actually been promoted.

Despite the fact that it may well be the best time since Edward was sheriff to be employed at the castle, the guards were beginning to consider looking for alternate jobs. Facing the skills of the outlaws and the ire of large groups of peasants was one thing, but watching the sheriff skip around the castle walls, humming under his breath and smiling-- well, it was just unsettling.

If he did not shove one of them from the parapets soon, there might be trouble...


comm: rh_intercomm, comm: treatguardsrite, char: vaizey, char: guards, length: flash fic, fandom: robin hood, genre: humor, rating: g

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