(no subject)

Jul 26, 2012 08:28

Пополнил свою эл. коллекцию древних наскальных рисунков
Lascaux cave France
These paintings are estimated to be 17,300 years old

Lascaux cave2

Lascaux cave1

Lascaux cave3

Lascaux cave4

Lascaux cave5

Lascaux cave6

Lascaux cave7

Lascaux cave8

Lascaux cave9

Chauvet cave
Most of the artwork dates to the earlier, Aurignacian, era (30,000 to 32,000 years ago)

Chauvet cave1

Petroglyphs Gobustan(Azerbaijan)
The most ancient petroglyphs have been identified as belonging to the 10-8th century BC




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