Title: My loss, my win Pair: KiriSana [KiriharaXSanada] Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Long list here folks. Dub-con, bondage, voyuerism(?), and of course, UkeSana
>//////////< I think I'm in love with you. You made me cry...... Twice. T^T But it was amazing. I'm a huge fan of Uke!Sanada (usually with Seiichi, but hey, Akaya DEFINITELY works too) and I agree that there is a major shortage of fics...
Aha no worries. I was pondering the next pairing to do. Is there any particular scenario/plot/kink you were wanting, or should I just see what comes out xD
I think anything you write will make me happy ^o^ I'm not picky, I just love Uke!Sanada. I like most characters that everyone assumes to be seme to be the uke. ^w^
You made me cry...... Twice. T^T
But it was amazing.
I'm a huge fan of Uke!Sanada (usually with Seiichi, but hey, Akaya DEFINITELY works too) and I agree that there is a major shortage of fics...
Anyway you should marry me. and write for me. ^o^
I can write you alpha pair if you would like?
Is there any particular scenario/plot/kink you were wanting, or should I just see what comes out xD
I'm not picky, I just love Uke!Sanada. I like most characters that everyone assumes to be seme to be the uke. ^w^
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