I think I'm still alive...

Aug 12, 2008 10:34

 ::Circus announcer voice:: Good evening ladies and gentlemen.  Presented tonight for your amazement...in the CENTER RING...The Amazing...RAIKI!  ::Crowd cheers::

Okay...well there's my obligatory self-obsessed narcissism for the day...yay for being a Leo...

Anyway, life has been kind of life-y lately.

I work, I sleep, I eat, I turn 22, I eat, I work, I sleep.  There is, of course, the addition of being sublimely happy, which is a nice change of pace from approx. 20.5 of my PREVIOUS 21 years...but I find that being happy doesn't make for a very interesting LJ post.

SOOOOOO...I will instead post about the bizarre effing birthday I had.

I started the day (belatedly...I slept until...erm...late I suppose) by getting not one...not two...but THREE cards in the mail...two from a not-aunt, and one from a not-grandmother.  The card from the not-grandmother contained a $40 gift card.  Now I hear you all saying...forty bucks...nice. But hold that thought.  The gift card was to...the giant.  For those of you not native to the American North-East...the Giant...is a grocery store.  Now I am living a relatively financially secure life.  Between my darling Ca-chan and myself, we can afford not only food and bills, but also an assortment of unnecessary fluff that serves only to keep us amused.  This gift card is the equivalent of dropping a quarter into someone's coffee because you think they're a hobo.  I was mildly offended, but shrugged it off saying..."Well hey...that's 40 bucks I don't need to spend on something else." and moving on.

Chapter the second: Work.
I go to work (where I made blatantly sure NOBODY knew when my birthday was except the woman who hired me...who was NOT there).  The first thing I hear from my immediate manager when I come behind the desk (I work front desk at a hotel...for those of you who don't know) is "Happy Birthday!"  Followed by the even more disturbing: "Your father called earlier."  Now those of you who have bothered reading this far probably already know that I effectively HAVE no father.  I have a step-father...an ex-step-father who I lived with for too many effing years...and a biological father I've never met.  So hearing this was a bit of a shock...especially since I have no desire to hear from any of them...least of all at WORK.  (As an additional BONUS rant...WHO THE FUCK calls someone's work to get in touch with them?  This seems tacky and rude to me.  You don't shit where you eat...and if you shit where someone ELSE eats you're just a bastard [catch the pun there...?].  Anyway...to make a long rant short, I asked my boss to tell him I'm no longer employed there if he calls again.)  So there is this awkward time when my boss is speaking sternly to ME about "my father" calling me at work...followed by an even MORE awkward time when she says she told him I was working 3-11.  Fuck.  So over the course of the night, I run to the phone every time it rings...hoping beyond hope that my supervisor won't pick up a phone call from one of my not-family members.  I manage to intercept my not-grandparents call...and come 8pm, I think I'm out of the woods...that ralph won't bother to call...and I'm right...kinda.  At approx 8:30-9ish...who should walk through the door...you got it...the not-father.  With a bag.

Now...flash back to my first paragraph and remember how affronted I was to recieve money for food for my birthday.  Hold that picture vividly in your mind as I describe what is in this bag: 3 boxes of little debbie snacks (most of which I haven't eaten in 3+ years), a jar of salsa (mild...I prefer hot), ranch dressing (buttermilk...it makes me gag), hot sauce, chocolate syrup (malt...ewww), ovaltine (also malt...wtf?), a tiny cereal box toy of The Joker from the new batman movie (I hate batman...), and a $75 gift card to Walmart (Okay...no complaints there).

That's right...almost entirely food.  And to top it off...he tried to act like he knew me...getting me food that I use alot of...but he got almost EVERYTHING slightly off...buying the varieties that HE preferred, not I.  And where the batman thing came from I have NO idea.

At this point my mood can be described as no friendlier than Livid...possibly in the realm of Volcanic.  I try to explain to him, calmly and in a tone of voice I HOPED my supervisor couldn't hear, that I was at work...and that this visit was inappropriate.  He then whined at me about not having my phone # (the one I gave my not-family was recently disconnected...we both have cells and felt we didn't need it.).  I lied, saying I didn't have one anymore and that we only use (C)'s cell.  A convenient lie.  Unfortunately...it also didn't solve the problem of him calling me at work.  bother.

Anyway...that was about the last barb of the day.  I went home...to my loving girlfriend...and all the stress of the day melted away.

But that isn't an interesting post.

So I'm going to end it here.

Thanks to all of you for listening.


PS-I was just asked to not type so loudly as I am in a library.

PPS- for those of you interested in the 6 days between my birthday and today............don't be.  They were mostly ordinary with the one notable mention (at least of things proper to mention in semi-permanant online format that could be easily accessed by children) was the fact that I ran the first fully successful session of my D&D game...only one player cried...and it was only once....yay!  (Suck it up Mari...you're not dead yet...take a lesson from the polish and fly THAT flag high and proud!)

i am not a hobo, insult, birthday

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