The coyotes (and deer) are restless

Aug 20, 2009 09:00

For the past several days, walking Kuma through the woods in the morning, I've heard coyotes yap-yapping from the ridge to the east. I wonder what they're up to. Every once in a while we'll see one but I don't ever have my camera with me.

I want to set up an automatic game camera but I know mostly what we'll get is deer, deer, deer. Hordes of them have been wandering through lately. I recognize one in particular for the huge, dark mole she has on her cheek. Well, I call it a mole but of course it could be anything - I don't get close enough to really see. For all I know it could be the world's biggest tick.

♥     ♥     ♥

In other news I need more fiction in my life. I've been really bad in the last few years about reading. Oh, I'll read magazines and journals and textbooks and news and computer-babble, but all the novels I'd intended to enjoy have been languishing in the to-be-read pile. This has got to change. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, eh?
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