Sunrise Ranch, July 2, 1904

Jan 09, 2011 19:05

Title: Sunrise Ranch, July 2, 1904
Author: Raikana Sakaro
Rating: NC-17, X, Super R...whatever you want to call it.
Characters:  Alfred, Matthew, and Antonio.
Warnings: This is an AU in early Edwardian Montana, near the Canada/US border. Human names used because they are human. PORN PORN PORN. OH GOD THE PORN
Summary: Matthew is a farmhand who finds work on Alfred's horse ranch, and ends up falling in love. A continuation of a de-anon from the Hetalia kink meme. Joint birthday party time. Now with 100% more buttsex. For those who want it.

Sunrise Ranch, July 2, 1904

When Matthew woke up, he took a deep breath and rolled onto his side to look at the older man next to him, jerking back as the blue eyes snapped open and his mouth curved into a smile. Alfred moved forward and kissed the young man before sitting up. “Come on, Matt!” he called, far too cheery for the early hour.

Matthew rubbed his eyes and sat up, scratching his head, then his chin, rough with hair. “...sir?”

“Yeah, Matt?” he asked, swinging his legs out of bed and standing up, his anatomy swinging freely in the air as he smiled at the younger man.

“’re up before me, sir...?” Matthew climbed out of the bed, pulling his wool suit shut as he shuffled over to the wash stand to clean up.

“Yeah. Isn’t it so exciting? It’s our birthdays today!” He bounced over to stand next to the wash stand so he could look at the young man.

Matthew looked up from the bowl of water, the razor in his hand. “Actually, sir, mine was yesterday and yours is in two days.” He closed his eyes and winced slightly as he put the blade to his cheek and scraped, small bits of hair falling into the water.

Alfred pouted and walked behind Matthew, waiting for the other man to pull the razor away before reaching down to squeeze his rear through the loose fabric of his underclothes. “You know what I meant, Matt...” he said as he moved to get dressed.

The Canadian frowned and lashed out at the other’s legs with one foot. “Why are you up before me, sir?”

Alfred laughed and brought a set of clothes over, dumping them on Matthew’s head, covering his face. “I already told you why. It’s our birthdays! We gotta finish early if we want to be home in time for the fireworks!”

Matthew sighed and reached up to pull the clothes from his head, tossing them at the bed. “Fine. Just get dressed and go start the coffee. I think I’ll need it...” he grumbled as he brought the sharp blade to his cheek again.

* * *
The two men rode down the dirt road in town, side by side on their horses. “So I’ll go first and get all the fun stuff, okay? Then you can take a turn so that way everything is still secret.”

Matthew just nodded absently, leading the gray gelding toward the town stable. “Yes, sir,” he said, not even listening after hearing Alfred explain the plan at least ten times during their ride.

He rode through the large doors and relaxed as he was surrounded by the now familiar smell of horses and hay. He slid from the saddle in the middle of the large area between stalls, vaguely aware that Alfred was still running his mouth as he perched on top of his stallion.

He looked up after loosening the saddle a little and smiled as he saw Antonio approach them, his sleeves already rolled up around his elbows and covered with a sheen of sweat. He waved to the Spaniard and smiled slightly. “We’d like to leave our horses here for a little while,” he said as Alfred kept talking behind him, completely oblivious to his friend’s presence. “And if you could get him to stop telling me the same things over and over, I would be eternally grateful.”

Antonio nodded and gave the young blond a wink. “Just take the stall on the end. I’m sure they won’t mind sharing for a little while...”

Matthew nodded and let his mount to the stall, starting to remove his tack as soon as the door was shut. He watched over the wall as the brunette walked up to Alfred’s stallion and put a hand on the blonde’s calf. Alfred looked down in surprise for a moment as the brunette said something to him, too quiet to hear, then slid off his horse and handed the reins to Antonio.

Antonio waved as the other man walked off, then led his horse back to the stall to take off his tack. “Alfred said to tell you that he was shopping first and to wait for him,” was all the older man said as he deftly pulled off the saddle, hanging it on the wall.

Matthew sighed again as he pulled the gelding’s saddle blanket off and folded it neatly by the saddle. “I know. He’s been telling me that for the last hour,” he muttered and moved around to slip off the bridle. “I just don’t know what else to get him...”

Antonio grinned at the younger man from around the horse’s nose. “Why not give him yourself?”

“I...I meant from the store, sir...” Matthew mumbled, blushing as he turned to hang the bridle on a nail.

“Oh? So you are not going to give him the gift of your passion?” The brunette stepped close to Matthew to hang the second bridle, giving the young man a curious look.

Matthew’s cheeks turned a darker shade of red as he turned back to the gelding, trying to brush some of the dust off with his hand. “’m...that is...he...”

Antonio set a brush by the young man’s hand and took another one as he stood by the stallion’s stomach, starting to brush him. “What is it, Matthew?” he finally asked after several more seconds of listening to the young man trip over his tongue.

Matthew stopped brushing and leaned his cheek against the silvery mane, looking away from the brunette. “I...I’m going to let him...let him put his...him in me...” he mumbled softly before resuming brushing with his other hand.

The older man’s grin grew wider with each word from Matthew. “Oh? So you are going to let him penetrate you? I am sure that will be a wonderful gift!”

Matthew’s face turned bright red and he made hushing motions to the other man. “Sir! Please don’t say that! What...what if someone hears?”

Antonio brushed the stallion briskly, raising small clouds of dust as the brush moved. “The only ones who will hear us are the horses, Matthew. Do not worry so much. Would you like some advice?”

“No!” the young man snapped automatically, his face still burning. “I...that I...I guess so? I don’t really know. He...he did it before, but...but it was just one finger...and it doesn’t seem big enough for that and...I don’t know what to do, sir...” he finally admitted with a sigh, letting his head fall forward to rest against the speckled coat.

Antonio set the brush on an upturned bucket, then walked over to take Matthew’s arm, tossing his brush with the first before leading him out of the stall. He led the young man into an empty box, taking a seat on the hay bale against one of the walls. Matthew took the one next to him, staring down at his hands.

The brunette took the young man’s chin and pulled his head so they faced each other. “Here is your first advice. Saliva makes things move easier, but oils make them move much easier. Any oils.”

Matthew tried to look away, but his chin was pulled back again to face the older man. “I...I guess we could use one of the oil lamps...” he said softly.

Antonio nodded. “That is functional...but it is not romantic. Do not fret, though. I will help you, yes? So what is your plan?”

“Well...I...I thought I might look to see if the store has any candies. Good ones. Maybe a decorative tin... If I do it right, I might be able to get him candy for the next few months...” the younger man said, finally able to look down at his lap.

“...that is not what I meant, Matthew...”

“I...I figured...” Matthew mumbled, still staring intently at his hands.

* * *
Alfred set one of the large clay jugs on the shop counter, already heavy with the promise of good times that night, and turned to wander the shelves again, this time looking for a present. He briefly looked at the sewing supplies, then remembered how Matthew had just bought some recently and would probably scold him for getting something girly again.

He finally stopped as he found a beautifully tooled gun belt staring at him, all fresh leather and shiny buckles. He grinned and plucked it off the wall, heading to the counter. “Hey, you got any revolvers here?” he asked as he set the belt on top of the fireworks.

The shopkeeper nodded and pulled out a small box from behind the counter. “Take your pick.”

Alfred glanced at the box for a moment, then reached down to pat his leg, frowning as he realized he left his own gun at home. “Sloppy, Al...” he muttered to himself as he ran his fingers lightly over the steel barrels, lifting them one at a time to examine them. He finally pulled out one with a white handle and set it on the belt as the box disappeared under the counter again. “And a box of bullets, please.”

“Is that all?” the shopkeeper asked as he placed the box with the rest of the items.

The young rancher bit his lip and he glanced around the store again, then nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I think that’s it.” He winced as he heard the total, but pulled out his wallet and handed over the money. “Thanks. Just...just put it in a sack, will you? Matt’s coming here right after me, so I’ll send it back with him.

The older man nodded and carefully packed the items into the bottom of a burlap sack, handing it over to the blond. “There you are, Al. Be careful with that jug.”

“I will. Thanks.” Alfred took the bag and left the store with it, heading back to the stables. As he walked in, he found Matthew in a stall with Antonio and the horses, his face pink as they brushed the horses. He smiled as he leaned against the wooden door. “Hey, Toni, which of these saddles is mine?”

Antonio pointed to the one closest to Alfred’s stallion. “That one, Alfred. Why would I put the saddle from this horse all the way behind Matthew?”

Alfred shrugged as he opened the saddle bag nearest him, stuffing Matthew’s present in first, then placing the fireworks and other smaller objects on top of it. “So you could get a shot at that ass?” he said with a grin as he pulled out the jug and reached over the wall to put it in the other bag.

“S-sir!” called the young man setting down his brush as his face reddened. “Don’t say things like that, sir...” he admonished, walking out of the stall and heading for the door.

“Wait. Matt, wait!” Alfred called, jogging after him with the sack in one hand. “Here. I told him you’d bring this back when you came.”

The young man snatched the bag from Alfred without a word and walked off. Alfred watched him for a moment before wandering back to the stall to pull out his presents again. “I can’t believe he’s already pissed... It’s not even noon.”

Antonio moved between the two horses to brush the palomino’s other side. “I do not believe he is angry, Alfred. Just embarrassed. You know he does not like speaking of sexual matters in public.”

Alfred rested his foot on a crate against the stall’s wall as he slipped the gun into the smooth leather holster. “It was just a joke...” he said as he snapped the clasp shut. Then he spread the belt across the top of the wall and opened the box of bullets, sliding them into the small pockets around the rest of the belt.

* * *
Matthew set a sack of flour on the counter and looked over the shelves behind the counter with a sigh before he started worrying at his lip. The shopkeeper looked at the young man, then glanced behind him at the shelves. “What’s going on, if you don’t mind my asking,” the older man finally said, looking back at Matthew. “Usually it’s the two of you in here. Some kind of fight?”

Matthew shook his head, a small blush coloring his cheeks. “N-no... It’s just... We’re celebrating our birthdays, sir, and we want our presents to be surprises.”

“Right. I have to go in back, now. Just ring the bell if you need something.” The shopkeeper then turned away and walked into the back of the store, leaving the young man alone to look.

Matthew sighed again and set off on another circuit around the store, hoping to find something the older man would want...or even tolerate. After several more minutes of wandering the store, he finally picked up a hat from the wall and set it on his head, looking at himself in the mirrored panels on the barometer behind the counter.

Finally, he nodded, set the hat with the rest of his things, and rang the small bell on the counter. The owner emerged from the back room shortly after and glanced at the counter. “That’s it, then?”

Matthew nodded and pulled his small purse from his pocket. “Yes, please. And...and could you wrap up the hat in paper, please?”

The older man nodded and quickly wrapped the hat, tying it off with twine before taking Matthew’s money. He counted it quickly, then nodded as the younger man picked up his purchases. “Thanks muchly.”

“Thank you,” Matthew replied with a small smile before he turned to leave. As soon as he reached the stables he strode briskly to his saddle, deftly dodging the two older men as they chased each other around the floor, laughing.

He opened the leather bag and stuffed his things inside before buckling the latch and turning to watch Alfred. He smiled as he took a seat on the crate, not even looking up as one of the horses leaned over the wooden wall to sniff his hair.

Soon, though, the brunette stopped in the middle of the floor and bent over to rest his hands on his knees, a wide smile still on his face. “Enough...” he panted as he straightened up with a small groan. “That is enough, Alfred. I am not as young as I once was. Go sit. Relax. I will be back soon.”

Alfred came up beside the older man, one hand automatically reaching out to touch his lower back. “Are you okay, Toni?”

Antonio laughed and reached up to clap the younger man on the shoulder. “Of course! Do not worry, Alfred. I simply need to catch my breath. And find an outhouse.”

Alfred pouted, but sat down on the floor next to Matthew, resting his cheek against the young man’s knee as Antonio left. “So, Matt, did you get me something good?”

Matthew frowned and gently swatted the back of Alfred’s head. “You know I can’t tell you that, sir. It’s a surprise.”

“It could still be a surprise...” the older man protested, turning his pout on the young man. “I just want to know if it’s going to be a good surprise...”

Matthew rolled his eyes and leaned back against the wooden wall. “I think you’ll enjoy your surprise, sir...” he finally said, glancing towards the door before reaching down to stroke the soft, blonde hair.

* * *
After more than an hour of just sitting in the stables, doing nothing, Matthew pushed himself away from the wall with a sigh. “I suppose we should get going, sir. We’re not getting anything done here.”

Alfred immediately at up and turned to look up at the younger man. “Yes we are, Matt. We’re visiting with Toni. We can’t just leave on him...”

“But we still have to prepare for tonight, sir...”

Alfred turned to Antonio, giving him a puppy dog look. The brunette just smiled and walked over to Matthew, reaching down to pat Alfred’s head. “Why don’t you join me for lunch before you return? Then it is one less meal you must prepare.”

Matthew looked between the two older men, then sighed. “Alright. We’ll stay for lunch, but then we really have to leave.”

Antonio smiled and reached down to help pull Alfred to his feet. “Go save a table for us in the saloon, Alfred. We will be along shortly. I must speak with Matthew.”

“Come on, Toni...” Alfred said. “You can tell me anything you tell Matt... You don’t need to keep any secrets.” He crossed his arms and looked between the two men jealously.

“I cannot tell you this, Alfred. It is about your present. Now go. We will follow soon,” he said again, waving his hand in a shooing motion.

Alfred crossed his arms and pouted at them before turning and walking away. As soon as he was sure the American was out of range, Antonio slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a small decorative glass bottle full of thick golden liquid. “Here, Matthew. This is for later. Simply offer it to Alfred. I am sure he will know what it is for...”

Matthew blushed, but took the bottle and turned to slip it into his saddlebag. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate this. We...I guess we should get going to the saloon.” He latched the saddlebag again and took off through the door with the brunette following on his heels.

When they walked into the saloon, they immediately spotted Alfred sitting at a table, waving them over enthusiastically. Matthew took the seat across from him and let the brunette sit between them as a buffer.

Alfred grinned, his leg bouncing up and down under the table, shaking it worse than an earthquake. “Matt, this...this is the best birthday ever!” he said with a wide grin on his face. “I...I think I said that last year, but this time I really really mean it!

“You don’t want to reserve judgement until you see how the rest of the day goes?” Matthew asked mildly, one hand raised to flag down one of the bar girls. “Three beers, please.”

“Four!” said Antonio cheerfully, running over the end of Matthew’s sentence. “I’m feeling rather thirsty today.”

The woman nodded and turned to walk back to the bar. Antonio turned to smile at the older blonde. “Well, Alfred, since it is your birthday soon, I have something for you,” he said, pulling out a small wrapped package and setting it on the table in front of his friend.

Alfred eagerly grabbed the package with a wide smile and untied the string, opening the paper to show a wooden doll with short curls and a smaller dog next to it with a dog’s head and waving fur patterns. His smile grew even wider as he held the two dolls close for a moment before slipping them in his shirt pocket. “Thanks, Toni! I’ll keep them right with the other ones you made.”

The serving woman came back with their drinks and set them on the table. “So just the three lunches?” she asked, tucking the empty tray under her arm.

Antonio looked up as the door opened and smiled at Bette, hurrying over to the table with much rustling of her skirts. “I think that’s four lunches, please,” he said, waving the young woman over to their table.

Bette hurried up, a bit breathless and sat down on the chair across from Antonio, turning to smile shyly at Matthew. She set her box on the table as she arranged her skirts around the chair’s legs and moved closer to the table. “I’m sorry, Mister Antonio. I didn’t know we were expecting company. I would have been on time, but I had to go back home when I saw Mister Jones here...”

Antonio smiled back at Bette and pushed one of the beer mugs over to her. “It’s alright. I thought you might. Here is your drink.”

She took the mug gratefully and lifted it to take a small sip before setting it down and taking a deep breath. “Sorry I’m such a mess. Here. This is for you, Mister Williams,” she said sweetly, pushing the box over to Matthew. “It’s a bit late, but it’s for your birthday. I hope you like it.”

Matthew smiled as he took the box. “You didn’t have to...” he said softly as he pulled off the top and saw a small, round cake, covered with snowy white frosting and decorated with bits of strawberries on top and around the sides. “ really didn’t need to do anything like this...” he said, his face going slack. Then he turned to her and smiled kindly. “But thank you for thinking of me. I really appreciate it.”

The young woman flushed and turned away from Matthew, hiding her face behind a hand. “It was no problem, Mister Williams...” she said softly, hiding her face from him until she felt her blush was under control.

“I’m sorry I don’t have anything to give in return...” Matthew said, setting the box down next to his chair as their food came.

“It’s fine,” she insisted, sitting back as the plate was set in front of her. “I don’t expect anything back. After all, it is your birthday present. I just want you to enjoy it.”

“Thank you, again. It looks delicious and I am sure I will enjoy it very much.” He reached over to gently pat the back of her hand, causing her to blush again, before he turned to his meal, digging in.

* * *
Alfred strolled into his kitchen with his saddlebags slung over his shoulder and let them drop on the heavy table. “I know you probably still don’t believe me, Matt, but I still say that this is the best birthday I ever had!”

Matthew walked in behind the older man, his saddlebags over one shoulder and the cake box in his hands. “I believe that you think that, sir, but I am not sure how much you mean it, because you have said that for two years in a row.” He set the box on the counter and gently placed his bags on the table, opening one of the pouches to pull out his baking ingredients. “I just think you might be overly optimistic.”

Alfred grinned and moved next to the young man, bending down to capture his lips in a quick kiss. “I am not being overly optimistic. I just have had something the last two years that I never had before.”

Matthew raised his eyebrow and latched the bag again before Alfred could spy either of his presents. “Me?” he said, pulling out the sack of flour.

“You.” Alfred said at almost the same time, then pulling back as he laughed. “So do your magic powers only come out around your birthday or is that the only time you use them?”

“ what?” Matthew frowned and set the flour down to give Alfred a puzzled look.

“You know. Your magic powers. Your magic Canadian powers? Like last year, when you found all the horses after they ran away.” Alfred pulled out his jug of moonshine and set it on the table with a loud thump.

Matthew sighed as he saw the large jug, then wrenched his attention back to the man holding the jug. “It wasn’t magic powers, sir. Horses are very large animals and they’re all wearing shoes, so they left very distinctive marks. It was just normal tracking skills.”

“Yeah...magic tracking skills. You said yourself that you were a magic Canadian. You made money disappear from your hand and then you pulled it out of my ear! Magic!” The American gestured wildly with his arms as he recounted the young man’s magical feats.

Matthew sighed and reached up to rub his forehead with one hand as he pulled a dollar coin from his purse and held it up. “Did it look anything like this, sir?” he asked, closing his fists around the coin before blowing on them and holding up an empty hand.

“Yeah! Yeah, just like that!” Alfred cried, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Now make it come back!”

Matthew rolled his eyes, but stuck his other hand into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out the same coin. “There, sir. It’s come back,” he said as he pulled out his purse to put it away again.

Alfred’s eyes lit up and he clapped for a moment before reaching around Matthew to slip his hand into the pocket, feeling around for anything magical. “So do you have some kind of magic mover thingy that put it in here? Or do you just have a magic ass that makes coins?”

Matthew flushed and tried to pull Alfred’s hand away as the invading hand squeezed his ass tight. “I-I don’t-- Please, sir, let go! I don’t have... I told you to let go, sir! Please! No, let--let go, sir! Sir! My ass does not magically produce coins, now I will kindly thank you to remove your hand from my person!”

Alfred laughed and finally pulled his hand away. “Fine...fine...your ass doesn’t make money. I guess you aren’t that magical.”

“I am not at all magical, sir,” Matthew snapped, face still red from the beating his dignity just took.

“But it looks like you’re something else, though...” Alfred said with a grin and a wiggle of his eyebrow, reaching down to cup the half-hard bulge in Matthew’s pants.

Matthew blushed harder and reached down to swat the older man’s hand away. “Not now, sir! You will have plenty of time for that sort of thing after dinner!”

Alfred squeezed the bulge gently and moved so he had the young man between him and the table. “But I don’t want to wait until after dinner, Matt...” he said with a small pout, leaning forward to kiss the other man. “You just look so good now...” he whispered, moving his lips next to the young man’s ear. “Please, Matt? We did it twice last year...”

Matthew flushed darker and looked away. “, even if we did, you should...should restrain yourself this year,” he said with a huff, trying to push Alfred back. “It will make things that much better when we do...become intimate.”

Alfred backed the young man against the table and ground their hips together to show Matthew how aroused he was. “...please, Matt? We both need this...”

Matthew sighed, then bit back a moan as Alfred’s hardness rubbed against a sensitive spot, causing his hips to jerk up against the other man. “A-alright, sir... But we have to make it quick. We...we have cooking to do,” he panted, trying to slip out from under the older man’s body.

Alfred placed his arms on either side of Matthew, leaning against the table and trapping the young man against the edge of the table. “If you’re in that much of a hurry, Matt, we should just do it here. It’s faster that way.”

Matthew put his arms back to brace himself against the wooden surface so he didn’t fall backwards as the older man pressed him farther down. “But...i-it’s improper, sir...” he moaned as the slim hips pressed forward again.

Alfred leaned down to kiss Matthew passionately and he took one hand off the table to fumble with their belts and flies. It felt like forever, but was only a few minutes before he managed to maneuver their pants out of the way to release the two straining erections.

Matthew gasped as the relatively cool air touched his heated member and let himself fall back slowly to lay across the table, his legs splayed and wrapped around Alfred’s ankles. The older man pressed the two lengths together and started thrusting, but it wasn’t nearly enough friction for either of them.

The younger man reached his hand down to tug on Alfred’s sleeve. “Your hand...use your hand...” he whispered, his hand gripping the fabric tight as the other man’s erection rubbed him teasingly.

Alfred nodded and moved his hand to grip their shafts, Matthew’s hand still fisted in the sleeve. “Yes... Oh, yes... Matt...” he said softly as he squeezed the two lengths together, thrusting again.

Matthew moaned softly and moved his hips as best he could, trying to thrust deeply against Alfred’s hand. “S-sir...ah! Sir!” he cried out, his free hand stroking up his stomach to his chest before he pinched a nipple through two layers of fabric with another cry.

Alfred watched his partner from under lowered eyelids, panting faster as he watched the young man play with himself, sending shock of desire straight to his groin. He moaned lowly and jerked his hips faster, moving his hand up and down as he tried to bring the young man over the edge with him.

Matthew gasped and finally released his death grip on Alfred’s sleeve as he felt the other man’s slick tip slide up and down the underside of his shaft and reached out to grab the washrag next to him, still on the table from breakfast that morning. He cried out and quickly reached between himself and Alfred to clamp the rag over their tips, moaning in sympathy as he heard the older man cry out loudly

“Ah! Maaatt...!” Alfred called out as he stiffened, his hips jerking as he emptied his seed into the fabric, still thrusting and rubbing against the younger man as he recovered, feeling himself soften slowly.

Matthew bit down on his lip and thrust up as his fingers tightened spasmodically around his tip, breathing heavily through his nose as Alfred’s issue dripped down the fabric to spread against his erection. He cried out as he reached completion, his seed joining the older man’s as his hips twitched erratically.

When they had both caught their breath and their hips finally stopped twitching, Alfred pulled back to stand on slightly shaky legs, tucking his soft member back into his pants as he put himself back together.

Matthew lay on the table for a moment longer, then cleaned himself up with the clean parts of the rag, not covered in bodily fluids, and pushed himself up to a standing position with a deep breath. He reached down with still shaky hands and started putting himself back together after setting the dirty fabric on the table again. “You should go start the fire, sir...” he whispered hoarsely, his voice still recovering. I...I’ll get started in here...”

Alfred nodded and smiled, kissing Matthew briefly before turning to walk outdoors. “By the way,” he said, stopping in the doorway to look back at the younger man, “If that was the appetizer, I can’t wait for the main course.”

Matthew smiled slightly and picked up the dirty rag by its clean corners and tossed it in the small container of dirty rags. “I’ll see you when you’re done with the meat, sir,” was his only response. He bustled about the kitchen, arranging his cooking supplies in the proper order until he was sure that Alfred was not stopping back in for anything.

He still glanced around quickly before he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the decorative bottle, looking at it for a moment before pulling out the stopper and sniffing the opening. It had a light flowery smell, but he still tipped a drop out onto his fingertip and spread it with his thumb, nodding as the two fingers moved easily against each other and the smell didn’t get any stronger.

He quickly stoppered the bottle again and grabbed the hat from the satchel, heading upstairs before he started his cooking. He unwrapped the hat and hung it on the bedpost and set the oil bottle on the washstand.

Satisfied with his handiwork, he nodded once and headed back to the kitchen to prepare a birthday feast for the both of them.

* * *
Alfred smiled contentedly and burped quietly as he patted his stomach. “Seriously, Matt, this has been the best birthday I can remember in a long time. I can’t wait to crack open my booze and watch some fireworks. Come on!” He suddenly jumped out of his chair, reaching out to snatch his jug and a couple mugs.

“Sir. Wait, sir. Please. Sir!” Matthew snapped, still sitting at the table. He frowned when the older man finally looked back at him. “Don’t you want to open your presents before you get drunk, sir?”

Alfred blinked and looked between the jug in his hands and the young man at the table. “I...I guess that would be okay. We’ve still got some time before it gets really dark.” He set the jug down on the table and grinned at the younger man. “So what’s my big surprise?” he asked eagerly, his leg bouncing in anticipation.

“ will take me some time to fetch your present, sir, so why don’t you go first?” Matthew suggested with a hopeful smile.

Alfred grinned and reached onto the floor for his saddle bags, handing Matt the full one. “There you go. It’s all in there.”

Matthew gave the bag a puzzled look as he set it on the table and unbuckled the flap, reaching in to grab...leather? He pulled out the belt, his eyes widening as he saw the floral pattern embossed into the surface of the leather. He ran his fingers over the surface, bumping past the row of bullet holsters, barely noticing the bullets in them as he caught sight of the larger holster hanging from the side.

Then he face broke into a wide smile as he turned the belt and saw the embossed front of the holster with a shiny, new white-handled revolver buckled into it. He quickly unsnapped the holster and pulled the gun out to run his fingers all over the barrel, back to the chamber, and down to lightly caress the trigger.

He quickly flipped the chamber out to make sure it was empty before he snapped it shut and closed one eye, aiming along the barrel at the clay jug, pulling the trigger and smiling as he heard the hammer click. “Bang,” he said softly, still smiling. “Thank you, sir. It is very nice. Extremely well made. cannot have been cheap...” Matthew bit his lip, starting to feel a bit guilty as he slipped the gun back into its holster.

“It was worth every penny to see your face, Matt...” Alfred said with a foolish grin. “And there’s extra bullets, too, if you missed them.”

Matthew pulled out the box of bullets with a blush climbing his cheeks. “I...thank you, sir. Thank you so much. I...I just need to go get your gift. I’ll be back in a moment.” He stood up and slung the belt over his shoulder, holding tight to the bullets as he jogged upstairs to their bedroom.

After he shut the door, Matthew slipped the gun belt off to hang on the bed post under the hat, the bullet box stashed on the floor under the mattress for the moment. He took a deep breath and stepped away from the bed, his hands shaking slightly--from nerves and excitement--as he hurriedly undid all the buttons on his shirt and pants

He tossed the outfit with the dirty laundry and stripped off his union suit and socks, feeling extremely vulnerable as he padded around the room in the nude, though it must have spoken to something deep inside him as the soft member between his legs stirred again.

He grabbed the bottle from the wash stand and propped both their pillows against the headboard, hoping it would be enough as he laid down on top of the covers, his shoulders resting against the pillows. He took another deep breath and reached down to stroke himself a few times, teasing more length from his erection. Then he sat back with the bottle clutched tight in one hand to wait for Alfred to grow impatient. He didn’t think it would take long.

It didn’t take long, but felt much longer to the naked man in the bed. Within minutes he heard footsteps on the stairs, followed shortly by the older man calling his name worriedly. He blushed in the low lamplight and shifted slightly on the bed, his legs falling farther apart as the door opened.

“Matt, are you okay? Did you have some kind of--” Alfred stopped just inside the door as he caught sight of the younger man, his jaw going slack as his hand fell limply from the door handle.

Matthew felt his cheeks burning, but he smiled gently and held up the bottle with one hand. “Happy birthday, sir...” he said quietly, shifting in bed again.

Alfred felt a warm flush spread from his neck up to his cheeks as he grabbed the door again and shut it behind himself. “Matt...” he whispered softly, almost reverently as his fingers automatically moved to unfasten his shirt. His feet carried him slowly to the bed as his fingers made quick work of his clothes fastenings. By the time he reached the bedside, his clothes and underclothes were hanging open from neck to crotch, his quickly growing erection hanging between his legs.

Matthew bit down on his lip as he shifted the bottle to his other hand and reached out to gently stroke his fingers against the underside of Alfred’s member, listening to the moan from the older man.

Alfred quickly shucked off his clothes and left them lying in a heap next to the bed as he climbed in to lay on top of Matthew, kissing the younger man passionately. As soon as he had broken the kiss, Matthew put his hand between them again, holding the small, glass bottle up to the older man. “...please be gentle with me...” he whispered as the calloused fingers brushed against his own, gently taking the bottle.

“ really want to...?” Alfred asked, staring deep into the other man’s eyes.

Matthew nodded once, his face burning up as his blush consumed it all. “Yes, sir. I...I want you know... Please, sir... Before I lose my nerve...”

Alfred leaned down to kiss the young man once again, stopping his nervous rambling. “Alright, Matt. I promise I’ll be gentle...” he whispered as he pulled away again, shuffling further back on the bed to lay gentle touches on the half-hard length resting against the other man’s thigh.

He listened to the soft gasps for a few moments before he pulled away and unstopped the bottle, pouring some of the liquid onto his index finger, raising an eyebrow at the flowery smell. “Why does it smell like flowers, Matt?”

“I...m-mister Antonio gave it t-to me, sir... I...I think it is a...a perfume, but...please, sir... I...I don’t want to take apart the lamp...” Matthew stammered, biting down on his bottom lip as he watched the older man.

Alfred smiled and bent down to kiss the young man’s stomach. “It’s fine, Matt. Don’t worry. It was just a surprise,” he said as he looked along the lean body to smile reassuringly at his lover. Then he moved lower and pressed a kiss to the lip of Matthew’s dick as he ran his finger around the small entrance, rubbing the oil into the soft skin there.

Matthew gasped and writhed his hips under the older man’s touches as he felt lips press against his erection again and again, each time sending a new jolt of desire through his body, his member standing taller and straighter under Alfred’s mouth.

Alfred pulled his finger away from the other man’s entrance as he kept kissing up and down the erection in front of him. He carefully poured more oil onto his finger before pressing the tip against the entrance and working it inside slowly.

Matthew bit down on his lip and rested his head back against the headboard as he felt the strange intrusion again, whining softly as he moved his hips, trying to find a comfortable position through the fullness. His cries grew louder as he felt himself stretch further, feeling more full by the minute...until the finger moved inside him and he felt a shock that seemed to move straight from the finger into his erection.

Alfred moaned lowly, unable to even hear himself over Matthew’s desperate cry, then licked his lips as he saw the other’s stiff dick bob in the air for a moment, leaking a large dollop of clear liquid. He kissed the underside of the tip, then stuck out his tongue and quickly lapped up the drop, smiling as Matthew cried out again. He rubbed against the sweet spot a couple more times, listening to the moans and groans with delight before slowly pulling the finger out, stroking the inside walls as he went, trying to coat them with as much oil as he could.

Matthew relaxed with a sigh as he felt the intruding digit finally slip out, wiggling his hips to get comfortable again before he felt more oil rubbed around his entrance, closing his eyes in anticipation. He felt the finger leave and bit down on his lip as two slick fingers pressed against the small hole, gently pushing inside, trying not to pull away. He kept reminding himself, sternly, that he was going to see this through.

Alfred bent down to suck gently on the underside of the young man’s erection, flicking his tongue out occasionally to set the impressive hardness swaying, pulling more soft whines from Matthew as it bounced. When he finally had both fingers in up to the last knuckle, he bent his fingers to rub against the young man’s sweet spot, watching as another bead of liquid formed on the tip, licking it up with a quiet groan.

Matthew gasped and moaned under the older man’s mouth, both hands fisted in the blanket as he jerked his hips up, seeking much needed friction on his member. Instead he felt Alfred’s fingers move inside of him, pressing strangely against his innards. “S-sir...please... I...I need to...” he whimpered, nudging his hips up again.

“I know, Matt... I know... I want to, too, but I’m trying to be gentle...” Alfred whispered, his lips resting lightly against the other man’s erection. “Just be patient... You’re almost there, Matt...” He slowly worked his fingers out, stretching the tight passage as he pulled out, twisting his hand to press all around the walls. “Just relax, Matt. It’ll make it easier...” he said as he pulled out to the last knuckle, stretching the small hole open so he could see the patch of darkness the lamp didn’t touch.

Matthew panted heavily, his head as far back as it would go, his eyes squeezed tight. “I...I’ll try sir. Just...please... Do anything. I...I can’t stand much more...”

Alfred moaned softly and leaned forward to kiss the other man’s stomach again as he poured some oil into the palm of his hand. He quickly stopped up the bottle again and rested his cheek against Matthew’s hip, brushing against the coarse blond hair as he reached down to wrap his hand around his own straining erection. He gasped briefly, then buried his face in the soft flesh to stifle his moan at the feeling of his hand moving easily over the sensitive skin, but still exerting pressure.

When he finally felt prepared, Alfred sat up on his knees again and looked up to the young man. “I’m going to do it, Matt. Just...just relax. It should be fine if you relax...”

Matthew took a deep breath and tried to relax, but his straining erection still waved in the air as his hips made short jerks, still seeking friction. Then he felt the comparatively large tip press against him and he started to take another deep breath, only to gasp as it pushed past the tight ring.

Alfred dropped the bottle on the bed next to them and leaned forward as he slowly pressed in, shifting position until he was leaning on the bed, suspended over the younger man. “Oh...oh Matt... Oh God... It’ feels so good...” he moaned as he kept moving slowly. He reached his still oily hand between their two bodies and wrapped it around the young man’s erection, teasing the hole in the tip with his slick thumb.

“Ah! S-sir! Please...” Matthew panted, his hips jerking up again, forcing the stiff member another fraction of an inch inside, as he sought more pressure on his erection.

Alfred took a deep breath and leaned down to kiss the younger man on the lips, his eyebrows twitching in concentration as he exercised the little control he had left, somehow not shoving the rest of the way in. He pulled away from the kiss with a soft moan and rested his forehead against Matthew’s shoulder. “I...I know, Matt. I know how you feel.’s a lot worse for...for me... I...I just want to...” he trailed off for a moment as he whimpered, pushing more of his length inside. “I want to...”

Matthew unclenched his fists from the blanket and brought them up to grip Alfred’s back, his nails digging into the skin as he moved his hips against the other’s hand. “Sir...please,” he said desperately, turning his head to press his nose against the sweaty blond hair.

“Please, Matt... I will. Just...oh oooh...just wait...” Alfred replied, his mouth moving against the now sensitive skin along Matthew’s shoulder, sending shivers through the other man.

Matthew moved his hands down the older man’s back to grip his ass tight in both hands. “Please, sir... I want this... I need you” he said, pulling the older man’s hips as close as they would go, moaning as he finally felt warm skin against his backside, pressing against him.

Alfred bit down on his lip as he was suddenly buried deep inside the tight heat, feeling his balls pull tight as he tried to control himself. He rested inside the younger man for a moment, taking deep breaths as he gave Matthew a few good strokes, bringing him just as close to the edge, if he was any judge. He pulled away from the young man’s shoulder to look him in the eye. “I...I won’t last long...” he warned the other.

“Neither will I,” Matthew whispered back, bringing one hand up to pull Alfred in for a kiss. “Just go,” he said, his mouth gently touching Alfred’s, then kissed him hard.

Alfred closed his eyes and moaned into the young man’s mouth as he pulled his hips back a couple inches and started thrusting, burying himself into Matthew over and over again as he gripped the young man’s erection tight, pumping it quickly.

After just a couple minutes of thrusting, Matthew broke the kiss with a gasp. “S-sir... Alfred!” he cried out as his body tensed up, releasing himself onto his stomach as the oiled hand kept moving his length, milking every last drop from his body.

Alfred followed not long after, his hand convulsing around Matthew’s softening member as his other hand clenched the sheets by the young man’s shoulder. He bent his head down, groaning through clenched teeth as his hips jerked erratically, all of his muscles tense. After an eternal moment, he screamed and pushed hard against the younger man, releasing his seed inside of him.

As soon as it was over, Matthew brought his hand from the back of Alfred’s neck to gently wipe the damp hair from his face. He kissed the other man’s forehead as they recovered, and pulled his other hand from the soft cheek to reach behind himself. He pulled the felt hat from the bedpost and placed it on top of the damp locks with a wry smile. “I told you I left your present up here...” he said softly.

Alfred laughed weakly, his body still shivering with aftershocks, and reached up to push the hat down farther. “Thanks, Matt. For everything. I...I guess I should have suspected when you took a bath yesterday...”

Matthew kissed the older man again and slid down the covers until he was laying on his back with Alfred laying on top of him. Alfred reached up, tiredly, and removed the hat so he could rest his head on the young man’s shoulder again. “Thanks. Again. This really was my best birthday...”

“You’re welcome, sir...” Matthew just wrapped his arms around the older man as they fell asleep, dirty, and with Alfred still buried inside him.

story: sunrise ranch, fanfic, character: america/alfred, series: hetalia, character: spain/antonio, character: canada/matthew

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