Murder at Albury Manor; Part 2

Jan 30, 2009 08:26

It was Colonal Mustard in the Drawing Room with the Candle stick!

Actually, no.

So, I got to Daewen's house last night at 6 dressed up in a black formal gown with my hair up. My name is Hilary Strutbury. All my other friends are there as well, dressed up and in character. One guy is Irish lol. We get given pamphlets that explain our character and how we act and there are "rounds" that we read at certain times in the "story." I hadn't known but this is really a play or a book or something lol.So, we don't know what our own characters have to say in later times of the game even lol. Davis was a stock broker. Supposedly loud and obnoxious. Poor thing had a cold so he didn't do loud very well, but he played the part even so. I was proud of him ^_^

Anyway, so we're all at dinner, Me, my "mom" (Daewen), the cook who had the day off (Joel, being Irish lol), A Reverend (scott), my mulit-millionare nephew (Davis), my Paris Hilton style neice (Joel's sister-in-law), and the gardener (Will.) Over the course of dinner, we each ask questions, some of them outlined in the book. We find out things about each other. Lady Strutbury is a bully. The cook is a gossip. The Reverend isn't really a REverend. The gardener is Lord Strutbury's older brother and really in love with Lady Strutbury. I'm a repressed youngest daughter. Davis was really the only one who didn't reveal much about himself lol. Shallow character. My neice had a reputation for getting drunk at bars. And we're supposed to find out who killed my father.

Not Colonel Mustard.

My neice, Victoria, killed him because she believed he had loved her so much that he'd leave her all of his money and she'd have a way to sustain her addiction to alcohol and drugs. Everyone else had motive lol. The cook had been bad mouthed so long by the Lord, but them always had been, nothing new. The Gardener loved the Lord's wife, but had for 50 years and not done a thing. The Lady had hated him for 50 years, but had never been strong enough to do anything about it. I was a submissive, apologetic little thing, who wouldn't dream of killing anyone. Davis was a millionare and didn't need any extra money. He was just happy he was an Earl now. The Reverend could have because the Lord had begun to pick up on the scam, and I never knew why he wouldn't. But my neice needed the money. He didn't leave her any, he gave all his money to a football club lol.

So, that was really fun ^_^ I'm glad Daewen put that together for me, it was too cool.
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