My Dear God...

Mar 09, 2008 12:20

Tvtropes is TOO MUCH FUN.

I've been here all morning, reading over definitions and loving the examples.  There's Magnificent Bastard (and Thrawn SO qualifies: he doesn't just dance to the beat of a different drummer, he bribes our drummer to play all his favourites. Then he has more fun sitting down and watching us stumble over the unfamiliar steps. And deep down in a dark little corner of our hearts, we can't help but admire that he not only pulled it off, he did it with style) and Woobie (though Rodney isn't mentioned here, even if Daniel Jackson is).

There's no Brave Little Toaster, though, so I googled it and - omg - it was a movie??!!!

Seriously: I'm disturbed.

I want to write an entry on tvtropes, but that takes time and effort and research into why Carson is such a Brave Little Toaster.

'Cause he is.  He *so* is.

Edit: k, this thing is WAY TO HARD to edit.  There are .. rules .. and everything to follow.  ghah

Edit Again: my god I've GOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

(Lampy: So... uh... what's this thing with you and the Blanket?
Toaster: What thing?
Lampy: You know. All of a sudden, you're being so darned NICE to him all of a sudden.
Toaster: Oh, that. I was just thinking, and I got this feeling I should be nicer to him for a change, you know? And now I feel better.
Lampy: Wow, that's weird.
Toaster: What's weird about it?
Lampy: I don't know. I mean, you were never this nice to him before, and all of a sudden now you're nice to him all the time, and I don't know. I'm, uh, I'm just trying to understand, trying to figure out, what it all means.
Toaster: Well, it's kind of hard to describe. It's like being next to a new loaf of bread.
[Lampy looks puzzled]
Toaster: Hmmm. It's, um, let's see... it's like a warm, toasty feeling inside.
[Lampy scratches his head]
Toaster: It's like a glow...
Lampy: A glow!
Toaster: Yeah.
Lampy: I think I know what you're talking about! It's like the feeling I get when I think about the Master.

It sounds like toaster/blanket porn!!!  Someone write me a McShep fic based on this movie!

Triple Edit: though it sounds like Kirby the Vacuum cleaner is a real McKay

The Radio: Thanks to my war training, I will simply render the secret appliance knock, and we will be welcomed by the native machinery.
[starts playing a beat on Kirby's face with his antenna]
Kirby: Cut that out!

The Radio: [thinking Kirby is a whale] Damn thee accursed whale! By the depths of Hell I stabbeth thee!
Kirby: Climb on, you idiot!
The Radio: Oh, it's you.
Kirby: Where's Toaster?
Lampy: He sank.

[after saving the group of applicances]
Kirby: I just slipped and fell in. That's all.
Lampy: Oh yeah, sure, right.
Blanky: You can't fool us. We love you.
The Radio: That's right, like Mrs. Roosevelt loved her husband.


the crazy 'net

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