-_Happy Belated Birthday_-

Feb 09, 2011 00:10

It's late, I know and I'm sorry, but I guess better late than never na.  Anyways you're one of my oldest friends and I hope we continue remaining friends. I love talking to you, and never get tired of our endless chats. You are a really warm and lovely person and I count myself lucky to be friends with you. Wish you all the best with everything in life because you sincerley deserve it. Couldn't find a more genuine person than you!

If you read this please clear your inbox dhabba at India Forums Ayeshaa because I need to send you the full birthday message, thanks!

- Yup exams ended two or so weeks ago which is good and I need to check out everyone's latest LJ posts. I've relativley sorted out my scrapbook, still need to add a bunch of things but it's getting there!

- Also a Happy Belated Birthday to Mina! Hope you had a wonderful birthday and hope the rest of the year follows and is even more brilliant for you. Wish you all the best with everything ♥

type: birthday post, !banners, type: general, about: mina, about: ashu

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