
Nov 21, 2010 16:07

- Okay, I saw HP yesterday and it was brilliant to put in one word. It was amazing and maybe even the best harry potter movie to date. I was freaked out on scenes that obviously I knew were going to happen, but it was shot so incredibly well and they kept in everything that was important. Who knew Nagini could be so freaking terrifying, practically everyone jerked backwards at a point, a few of my friends including me screamed. We're never going to live that one down! They kept all the little details in (well the important ones anyways) like Ron and Hermione falling asleep with their hands held together at 12 Grimauld Palace. I mean come on, the build up with Ron and Hermione was cute. Not to forget the dance scene with Harry trying to cheer up Hermione was just perfect with showing the great relationship they share which gets forgotten sometimes. I do not remember it being in the book, but it was really beautifully shown. It was sweet, and got the expected response from the audience. I did not like the part when Ron was destroying the horcrux and obviously he was shown Hermione and Harry kissing, but woah they took that a bit far. Did they need to show them snogging each other's faces off and them naked. Come on, it's Harry Potter! I found that part kinda hilarious and kinda cringey. Even though it wasn't meant to be real and so could as crazy as they wanted it to be but still it was a bit much. The whole scene with Dobby's demise and the funeral was touching, and it was again shot so well. People who hadn't read the book and didn't know like some of my friends were shocked, and we were all actually crying in the film, meaning Yates definitly got the emotional impact across. Hedwig was not given as much importance as he deserved, he was with Harry when he was stuck with the Dursley's in the Summer and he's only link to the magical world and they did not convey any strong feelings from Harry for her in that particular moment at all, but that's a small criticism really. The ending was very dramatic, a bit exaggerated but then again it is Harry Potter! I want to see more but I'm so proud of the people who made Harry Potter for retaining the essence of the book. It was amazing, awesome, wonderful and I'm going to take my mum to see it next week if we can get tickets. I'd preordered 11 tickets around two weeks ago for yesterday's show.

- I have an offer from Warwick and Birmingham. An interview at Machester. I'm really happy!

- Went Christmas Shopping with my friends yesterday before watching Harry Potter which was great as always. Everybody went this time as we could all make it and we all had an awesome time. If I get time I'll post the pictures.

- I took this picture a few hours ago and I just had to post it. He's not actually allowed on the sofa but when I'm at home and my parents are not then he is! His name is Pluto, (but we tend to call him Putie/Plut or motu as well) and he is four years old. Looks really peaceful here, psssht he's really not. Pluto is 4 and way too active, he's always arguing or running around or trying to get your attention. He's got his whole handshake/give you his paw, jump on your stomach, lie down on the floor, and turn on his side routine done to perfection. He does it anytime he sees a treat. Now he's barking at me to take him on a walk. Ahh! Its 4pm, I usually take him at 5/6pm and he knows that. He's using his nose to push my hand away from the laptop and to get my attention. Aww, Plut!

- Looking forward to my school christmas Panto, which the senior sixth direct, act in and organise. I have a medium-ish acting part and I'm helping narrate part of the story, really looking forward to it. We got some great lines in there. As long as the teachers take it in good humour, everything'll be fine!

- Hope you've all been fine. I haven't been on Livejournal for a while as I just haven't been getting the time. Anybody who celebrates Eid, hope you had a great Eid. I am loving everything at the moment, it's always the best time of the year with Christmas coming up and Diwali just having happened. It's so beautiful with all the christmas lights and the shops open till late and the christmas songs being played. Getting to wear your wolly jumpers/cardigans. I seriously love winter.

type: general, ! pluto, movie review: harry potter and the death

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