Superfun meme from
Pretend for a minute that the only contact you have ever had with me is through my fics. We've never exchanged LJ comments or emails, never hung out in chat or on AIM, never talked on the phone or met each other in person, none of that stuff. The only thing you know about me is the kind of fic I write.
What kind of person would you think I am? How would you describe my attitudes and opinions about real-life issues? Or, to use the rephrased question:
Based on the way I write my character, and they way they speak, think, and behave, what would that say to you about my attitudes and opinions about real-life issues?
Saw Silent Hill, because I couldn't help it. I told myself I wasn't going to go on opening night, but Pyramid Head was all, "Come on, sweetness, I've been working out for months now."
Let me tell you something: those sets and monsters made me want to weep with joy. After these last few weeks, I really needed to see something that would resonate with the stuff in my imaginationland, and this served nicely.
Speaking of directors, I think maybe that I would like to slap Christophe Gans. Just a little. Once or twice.
He's a real Silent Hill fan, but he took his movie adaption down the path of that comic. THAT comic. Dying Inside, or whatever it's called, I DON'T CARE. It's hellbait and shall hopefully be burned from my memory someday.
Yes. I enjoyed the first half of the movie. The kick-off for the plot was adequate, I guess, but I really don't understand why Harry and Cheryl were replaced with - um - other people. I assume this has something to do with opening doors for a direct sequel.
Sets were incredible; I think I may really and truly have drooled. Monsters were fun, though of course I was waiting impatiently for Pyramid Head to show up, and then he DID. And then he left. Andthencameback, and then left.
I - eh, wait - I mean . . . COME BACK TO MEEEEEEE!
I find it odd that he was given so little screen time. The movie followed the plot of the first game (loosely) more than anything else, so as a fiend from the second game, it was pretty clear that Pyramid Head would appear strictly as a fanservice phenomenon. But TEMPTING me like that was just out of line. All told, he was around for maybe five minutes.
Still. He had this thing going on. The thing that wins him so many fangirls, despite his tendency to rape and dismember indiscriminately. Very rewarding, in the nerdiest way possible. All Silent Hill fans must witness the thing, or their lives shall forever be less than their full potential.
Right, movie.
I don't know. The second half just - dive-bombed. I really can't explain it. You're having a great time one second and then, BOOM, NO ONE CARES NOW. This reinforces my hypothesis that dissolving the mystery in a story all at once is a very bad and crappy thing to do, because - quite bluntly - horror films and games in particular rely on atmosphere. The plot will be insubstantial no matter what; it's only there to string various moments of violence and suspense and uncertainty together. So there has to be something else. I don't watch movies just because I like to watch things die; who needs movies for that, I'll just go for a nice walk downtown after sunset. Nay, I require some creepy ambiance.
So when the Order was butchered (for the second time, really; I mean, the movie makes them just look sort of like frighteningly fanatic Christians) by evil!Alessa in a rather odd and ineffective attempt to emulate a Silent Hill final-boss battle, I got irritated and started replaying bits of the beginning in my head. No, honestly. The thing wasn't even done, and I reverted to a Lalala, Pyramid Head state. Wasn't my fault; Pyramid Head wandered off and the Order killed the only other character worth fangirling. I refer, naturally, to Cybil the bondage-cop. She was hot, and also managed to refrain from chasing WEIRD DEMONIC CHILDREN into dark, dangerous, monster-infested corners. Yay.
And now, bandwagon-jumper that I am, I've dug my Silent Hill soundtracks out and pissed off my entire family with copious amounts of dissonant and addictive game music. Haha, haven't been so happy in a long time. XD
My little Raina kitten is fat. My arm is bony. We compliment each other nicely, methinks.
Also, here's the Shadow of the Colossus music I promised to a few people. All of you: DOWNLOAD. NOWNOWNOW.
Shadow of the Colossus - IntroShadow of the Colssus - Pandora's Colossus