Allll right, I can do zat. Not at this very moment, I warn you! I've got to zone into class and will probably be doing a copious amount of sleeping for the next day or two due to hideous sickness, but if you need some moral support, I want to offer my fair share! I just. Am choppy about actually making kontakt, as usual, sdsfs.
But howwww do you feel about good old fashioned emails in which I throw story blurbs at you and childishly demand to see some prose in return?
It's gonna have to be Facebook or messengers, I'm afraid.
Allll right, I can do zat. Not at this very moment, I warn you! I've got to zone into class and will probably be doing a copious amount of sleeping for the next day or two due to hideous sickness, but if you need some moral support, I want to offer my fair share! I just. Am choppy about actually making kontakt, as usual, sdsfs.
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