(no subject)

May 07, 2010 20:37

dear mother,

you're not getting shit for mother's day.

your daughter that you used to love oh so much

Kyle died. in a boating accident. lets just be honest... a boating accident is not how i saw that boy going out. but at least he went out with bang and not something lame. and he'd love me for saying that. his memorial was bullshit. they read a bunch of bible verses and sang some hyms and it really pissed me off. i mean i get that its a memorial and God and heaven and all that good stuff but man... kyle... dude... it was a memorial service about like one of the greatest dudes EVER. and not one word was mentioned about him other than "we hope to see you again one day, son" really? there should have been some slayer and iron maiden playing. and instead of handing out all his favorite beloved band shirts after the service at his parents house, they should have been nailed to his coffin and buried with him. his friend should have stood up and spoke and said and or told all the awesome stories they have of him being awesome. and just thinking of his raspy voice and his "hey bud!" makes me cry non stop bc i know i'll never ever hear those words being said just like that ever again.

i haven't slept good since he passed. i really and truly miss him. i wish i had appreciated him more and told him more often how much he meant to me. but eh... well no use is worrying about that. he's gone and he went early but at least he went out having a great time and being super happy. i love him. so so so much.

in other news...if you are a man and you get someone pregnant, it's better to just move and never speak to the woman and child ever again in you life than to pretend to care and or be something youre not. the fact that you have a penis automatically illuminates the chance of you being a good person and convincing someone that you are capable of responsibility. and the fact that this whole nine fucking months that i spend with heart burn, gaining weight, going through mood swings, over eating, having gas, not getting laid, and worrying some much i cant sleep while youre busy posting pics of you out and about carrying on like nothing is happening is enough for me to go incredible hulk on your ass.

and let me just apologize in advance to any guy that God plans to introduce me to in the future; I DO NOT TRUST YOU AND YES YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIABLE FOR ALL OF MY BABY DADDIES MISTAKES BC YOU HAVE A PENIS AND ALSO JUST BC I CAN.

and to all you lurkers out there that like to read my lj and laugh about my current men situation... karma is a bitch and i promise, it will happen to you too. just bc it hasnt happened yet doesnt mean it wont. oh you'll just have an abortion, you say? oh well that just makes you a pussy and proves i'm a stronger and more caring responsible person than you are. so go suck another dick bitch.

and i'm really mad. i didnt have to call you. i did it bc i know he wanted you there. and you couldnt even put your fucking pathetic life on hold for a few damn hours to attend a memorial service. fuck you. i hope you fucking burn in hell. or rather... catch the hiv and slowly watch as your life rots away. or maybe get knocked up by my baby daddy... same damn fucking thing.

i love you all, i'll be here all week, have a good night.
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