(no subject)

Apr 01, 2010 22:54

i swear man, when i go into "mom mode" i have mother effin super powers. I went to Walmart to get Vegas' Easter basket stuff(i got a chocolate cross instead of a chocolate bunny and some marshmallow crosses that say "he is risen" and "he's alive") and of course his Easter outfit. I learned the hard way that spending too much money on clothes for kids is the dumbest thing a person can do. so i bought his Easter outfit for $12 and shoes for $7 and it looks exactly like i got all of it at the mall for $100. except now when he gets grass stains all over the pants or juice all over the collar of the shirt i won't have a heart attack and rush the clothes to the cleaners. instead i can say, "that's right vegas, you dig in the dirt for those Easter eggs!"

Anywho. i did pretty good. i only spent $65 bucks and that included the $25 diapers. All and all his Easter basket will consist of chocolate, plastic eggs filled with jelly beans, a battery oporated bubble gun, a ball, and some candy for mommy lol. the plan for Easter is Church with the family and Kandace and her boys, then a mini Easter egg hunt at my house, lunch, and then unfortunately work. I was going to cook but i think my morning will be hectic enough as it is that i didn't want the added pressure. but maybe next year i won't have to work and i'll be able to cook and have the whole family over.

anyway... back to the mom mode theory... after walmart, kandace and i took Vegas and her two boys, Gage and Koal, to cold stone and got some ice cream and then went to the park. after the park Vegas was extremely fussy, one bc he wanted to continue swinging and two bc he was completely worn out and tired and covered in sticky chocolate ice cream. so when we got home i thought it would be bed time and we wouldnt have time for dinner and cleaning and our normal routine so i stopped by mcdonalds and got Vegas some chicken nuggets to eat on the way home and planned on just going to bed. nope... those super powers i was speaking about earlier... yeah they kicked in.

as soon as we walked in the door i stuck Vegas in the bath tub, started a load of laundry WHILE unloading the dish washer, hand washed the dishes that ae too big for the dishwasher(ex huge pots & pans & the snap cover to the high chair), put the chicken in the oven, started the rice and veggies, disinfected the counters, folded the laundry in the dryer, wiped down the dining room tables and chairs and high chair, got Vegas out of the bathtub, got him dressed, talked to my mom while disinfecting his toys and bath tub, cleaned the toilet, disinfected the bathroom sink, took the chicken out of the oven and chopped it up and mixed it with the veggies and rice, stuck all of the above back into the oven, disinfected the stove, hand washed the pots and pans that had previously contained the rice and veggies, put Vegas in bed, transferred the clothes from the washing machine into the dryer, started another load, put away pre-folded clothes, put Vegas' Easter basket together and put it away in my closet, vacuumed the living room, swept the kitchen floors, put away some DVDs that were still in a box from the move, fed balto and refilled his water jug, pulled dinner out of the oven, and now i'm letting it cool off a little so i can relax and watch Vampire Diaries. *whew*

it's like i was telling my mom... it's like "mom mode" never turns off. once you become a mom, you're in mom mode 24 hours out of the day 7 days a week. like i'll wake up in the middle of the night and have thoughts like, "Vegas needs more socks" or "i need to put an extra change of clothes in the diaper bag tomorrow"... shit like that. and i wonder how i can get on facebook and see all these chicks with status updates that are like "going to the club, make it ring" on a wednesday night when they have kids. don't get me wrong, i'm all for taking some mom time... i'm doing that tomorrow, but i mean damn these girls live in the clubs. and i just wonder how they can do it. even if i did have the energy to go out and get wasted and dance my ass off, i would feel hella guilty and miss my son too much. tomorrow night, kandace, myself, and "Jacob Black" are going to see clash of the titans and i plan on getting a sitter for the movie and then after picking Vegas up and taking him to dinner with us. I need a break, but i can't take too much of one. i almost feel lost without him now. some times i feel really bad for the people that can't have kids, bc let me tell you... watching my son learn something new is by far one of THEE greatest feelings ever.

but yeah... i know i need to take more time to have a social life but i think i kind of like how things are going. yeah it's hard being a single mom and often times horribly over whelming but to be quite honest... i love every minute of it. especially days like today... where i accomplish more in a few hours than i would 3 years ago in one day. things are a lot different, but i think having Vegas helped me become the person God wanted me to be.

okay this entry got a little cheesy and wordy but today was a great day. and i just love being a mom. so effin much. spend a few hours with my son and i promise you would agree 100%

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