Apr 30, 2006 21:28
This morning was funny.
I swear we were all drunk still. Bryan, Melissa, Leigh, and myself all sat around and talked from 10 am - 3 pm. We took funny pictures, and funny stories from the night before. As tradition, Kyla, Bryan, Melissa and I went to see that movie, Stick It. The gymnastics one...meh. It could have been better. We sat down and were the loudest ones there, and there was a girl infront of us who was all alone. We were going to invite her to sit with us but she got up and moved a row down :( She didn't like us. There were two girls behind us, and I overheard them talking about something Jewish, so I turned around, "Excuse me, ais one of you Jewish?" "er...no?" "Oh...You said, I mean...sorry" I turned around and that was that. Through the movie we were talking, and laughing. Good times. Killer soundtrack. When it was over we stayed to the end. The two girls behind us stayed too, so being us we invited them for some FLAMING WOK with us. They agreed. Turns out malls close at 6, so we headed to Boston Pizza. The 6 of us had some dinner then the girls left. They were cool kids. I bussed home and did a little cleaning.
Tomorrow I have my interview for summer camp...NERVOUS. We'll see how things go.
Master of Great Weekends,
Josh Gaynor