[Cross-posted to FaceBook]
We have reached the commonly-recognized boundary between the years. On one hand, it’s an admittedly artificial distinction; as I’m fond of thinking, there’s a new millennium every second. On the other hand, it’s a hand place to keep track; here is as good as any, and there’s a ton of reminders, and the popular culture supports it. So here we are, the new year (more indicators of said zeitgeist, Word wants to capitalize “New Year”). Regardless of how 2010 was for you, I hope your 2011 is better, and good all-around. Fröhliche neues Jahre!
What follows will be a massive review of my resolved pursuits in 2010, new resolutions for 2011 and an analysis of such, and a meme of which I am fond.
I -
A - Continue paying attention to my weaknesses: B. I have taken steps, but don’t know that I upheld a conscious effort. I did have an apocalypse about such and will be addressing it in section II by directly addressing those of which I’m aware.
B - Eat more protein: A. Have been intentionally aiming for such. Almost every breakfast involves protein.
C - Lift the veil: D. Didn’t delve much into this. Will be dissecting possible concepts for this, and adding lucid dreaming to my to-do list. More in section II.
D - Speak Truth: B. Mostly good. I need some self-awareness to be able to tell people directly when something bothers me rather than simmering on it, definitely not healthy. More in section II.
E - Fall madly in love: F. Nobody's home. More in section II.
F - Refine and publish two games: C. This was a cheat gone bad; I made said resolution as sort of a “gimme”, since I thought there were already two ready to go. Ah well. More in section II.
G - Kill my credit debt: A. With the help of family, I started this year with a $0 credit balance. Other financial discussions in section II.
H - Take better care of my wrists: B. Have been leaving my wrist braces on my chair to remind me. Not perfect, but much better. More of that “paying attention” stuff, and an idea related to dancing in J.
I - Heal: B. Some other things I could have improved. As with everything else, see section II.
J - Dance and stretch daily: A. (once I extended “daily” to include after midnight a few times if I’m still awake). In hindsight, dancing every day without engineering a venue for such ends up making it a chore, which is a terrible idea. Will have to reword for next year.
K - Be gentler: B. One huge victory on this front is learning to appreciate people more.
L - Manage my anger: C. Telling people will help on that front, and being self-aware will help me tell them.
M - Report 20 times to donate platelets (if eligible): A. I ended up bruising and becoming ineligible a few times, but I reported regularly when I was eligible.
N - Improve my home organization: C. Definitely improved, needs more work. Living on my own has helped with some of that.
O - Use my to-do list: C. Not very regular, and some hash problems with different lists. Looking to improve that, see section II.
P - Win at life: B. Becoming a new me should bring that up to an A.
Q - Live happily ever after: A. So far, so good.
BADBFCABBABCACCBA = (3+4+1+3+0+2+4+3+3+4+3+2+4+2+2+3+4)/17=47/17=2.8=B-
It’s also worth mentioning that I’m not beating myself up over a B here, seventeen resolutions is definitely an ambitious goal; just recognition that I can and shall do better.
II -
- There’s almost too much to handle, but as with everything else, taking it apart and dealing with one thing at a time is probably the answer.
A - Lift the Veil. There are a few threads to this. First is to further investigate lucid dreaming. Second is to block out time to actively study and think about the economics/game/population intersection. Third is regular meditation. Adding such to to-do list.
B - Speak Truth. This is getting better, I just need to work on my awareness of what is.
C - Determine what I need to find Love. Do so. This should be helped by part O as well.
D - Publish another game. Definitely helped by part O. This is getting a bit weird, next up shall be a big goal post. Should definitely do more development, bring my own games to game night, and possibly start holding playtesting sessions if once a month isn’t enough.
E - Return to a state of net financial gain. This is a hell of a thing. I’m not sure how to encourage the promotion to come faster. I’m dropping my entertainment budget entirely until this happens, but it already isn’t much of a difference. Will have to discuss options. Jason also suggested I try teaching tango again.
F - Wear wrist guards every time I type longer than ten minutes, or drive for more than an hour. That should do it. That also means if I’m typing away from work I’ll just have to take breaks. So far, so good; arms didn’t hurt after work, just a little tight. Had been using “I’m about to do something else” as an excuse, but now I’m just leaving them on when I go for a short break (not the restroom, obviously) and “I’m about to come back” has become the excuse.
G - Heal. Most of this is covered. Need to pay attention to wrists to help them heal, not just preventing further damage. I’m concerned about my lumbar, not sure whether it’s an ongoing problem or just something that is taking such a long time to fix because it’s been messed up for 15+ years. Chiropractic has helped, and feels good almost every time, but it reverts, and I’m not sure how to analyze the difference between it being a temporary fix and it being something that needs a long time to get back to where it should be. Want to figure out the inner ear stickiness.
H - Stretch daily. Should be easy enough. Will want to wake up earlier.
I - Integrate more dance into my life. This is what the “dance daily” resolution should have been. I’m going to be sure to play music whenever I’m doing a rote activity, so I’m less likely to cramp up or have repetitive stress injuries. Multiple people have suggested Pandora as a suggestion for a replacement for AOLRadio, since Chrome was reporting the latter as linking to popups with malicious code of late; it seems to be back in their good graces. Will check it out if it happens again. Have already been popping on the radio while doing chores at home.
J - Run (technically speed-walk at 5 miles per hour so far) 20 minutes every week on an increasing scale. Currently going 1.7 miles with 8 lb weights. Going to try increasing speed when I acclimate to that level, and weight when I get used to it. Also, extra running on days I treat myself (see N1,2).
K - Learn to accept the world as it is. This is going to help with almost everything; anger management, disappointment, self-critique. It’s preceded by a need to recognize things as they are. This isn’t to say that I won’t act to change, but do so as a meditation on Truth rather than a rejection of what I don’t want.
L - Report 20 times to donate platelets (if eligible for that many). I’m seeing them on Sunday.
M - Improve system of goal and time management. This is a huge goal. So much so that I’m going to write the others and come back to this one.
Okay, I’ve posted the rest and I’m still a little intimidated. This is a common tool of procrastination: Not being willing to work on something until you’re sure you’ll get it right the first time. Admittedly, this is a good policy for skydiving, but even that isn’t an immediate division since one has stages and training before actually getting up in the air, it’s not wholesale commitment until you’re ready for it. And if I’m not taking the first steps and investigating or pondering something, I’m far less likely to come up with the right answer.
Stepping away from a stuck problem to clear one’s head is also a useful tactic, but stepping away before I even sit down is cheating; I have to actually look at it first. So the commitment I’m making now is to describe a system by which I can accomplish all my goals, or at least determine which of my goals are possible.
1 - So I have two to-do lists (home and away), but I have something of a mental block with rewriting them, it just seems inefficient. But they can’t be static; new things are added, old things are crossed off, it gets to be a mess. Between the need for regular review and the fact that junk mail and so on has provided me with a pile of excess scrap paper, to the point where most of it is now going straight to the recycling bin. With that on mind, I can totally rewrite them regularly, which should also keep them fresh in my mind.
2 - I also get the occasional wild hair with immediate lists. A bunch of the things I’ve been plowing through last year have been on these. They’ve been both easy to accomplish (for the most part) and something that would be good to do soon, things like “contact that person you met yesterday” or “send along that recipe” or “schedule a meeting.”
3 - Projects. Home improvement, Argentine tango, Dungeons & Dragons, Talley Street committees (I’m on both Rules & Regulations and Social), work, love, self-improvement, and game development. New tasks come up periodically: When I get a new idea or notice a problem, or if new responsibilities are brought to me.
4 - How to integrate these? Hard question, taking another lap around the hallway. Starting with a new calendar for the year.
a - Every week, probably Wednesday, review and probably rewrite my to-do lists, integrate new things from b. Extrapolate deadlines from #3.
b - Write down every time I get a new task. This isn’t replacement for memory, it’s reinforcement and organizational tool.
c - Every morning, create a daily list (or add to it if there’s already one in process from last night).
d - Ignore things I really don’t need or want to pursue, or aren’t important right now and getting in the way of deadlines.
5 - Rewarding myself? That’s another tough one. On one hand, there’s the somewhat trite-and-true comment that good work is its own reward. I expect to be a more fulfilled person, but my greedy brain wants to get stuff. On the other hand, I could give myself relaxing things as a reward, but I should be doing that anyway; both for the sake of decompression, and because I should be making myself happy anyway. If not me, then who?
To that end, I’m going to start doing stage one of the “Metaworldgame” project and giving myself points for everything I accomplish. Maybe badges, as well. You’re all welcome to add to such (and I’ll be counting “likes” or other affirmations as points as well). Future incarnations of the “Metaworldgame” project will include leveling, multiplayer, quests, and random encounters, and a fantastic computer system for such, but it’s just me for the moment.
N - Stop eating automatically. This ended up being a huge success in terms of soda, I probably only had five sodas last year. I previously had the mindset of soda being what I was supposed to drink when I was at a restaurant. And free refills! As Tony pointed out, “The value is great!” But when I evaluated it, I don’t really like drinking sugar water every chance I get, and it’s another $1-2 off when I eat out. I will still drink good sodas, or take a hit of Coke (preferably diet) to keep me awake during a late game, but the days of all-you-can-drink soda are over.
Unfortunately, I still have some work to do to extinguish this behavior with regards to food. I AM NOT STARVING. I AM NOT LIVING IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. I HAVE NO NEED TO FATTEN UP ANY FURTHER.
To that end, no more than 4 cups of food in a sitting with the following exceptions:
1 - It’s something that I really do want to eat more of. (And in this case, should be followed up by #2.)
2 - I’m loading up immediately before or after exercise.
3 - Something happens and I am literally starving (admittedly exceptionally unlikely).
In general it’s rare that I would eat more than such, but I still have a problem with buffet lines or other places where excess food is offered. I need to be very careful and intentional; if there’s a bunch of stuff I don’t know, I need to take a taste rather than a serving. This is difficult when I have a scavenger mentality, but again, I’m not starving. Take it home if it’s offered.
Also, at maximum one handful of snack per hour; this is an “availability” problem again at parties.
O - Publish goals, check in regularly. Will start posting states more regularly, it seems the proper medium. While there probably is an enhanced sense of accountability and community in my regularly posting things, I’m not expecting anything more than that. Just setting deadlines for myself, and having to report on such afterwards, should compel me to action.
P - Win at life. Find out what this means, but improved efficiency should cover that.
Q - Live happily ever after. So far, so good.
HOKAY! That was huge. Tonight, as per M, I’ll look at my lists and calendar. Tomorrow I’ll post my to-do lists, as well as planned encounters for the day.
A - What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
I was a guest at a convention in St. Petersburg (and as such, saw the Dali museum). Intentionally lived on my own. Drove to a (fantastic!) wedding in Texas. The aforementioned credit smashing. Had a game expansion published.
B - Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Mostly and a few.
C - Did anyone close to you give birth?
D - Did anyone close to you die?
Weirdness, I don’t feel close to Len but was sobbing for a while regardless.
E - What countries did you visit?
Same answer as last year: The United States, and the land of make-believe. I have a dual citizenship.
F - What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
See resolutions. Also, a time machine and a million dollars.
G - What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
June 19, 2010.
H - What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting Mad Scientist University: Spring Break published.
I - What was your biggest failure?
Lots of little things that add up to a lack of change.
J - Did you suffer illness or injury?
I enjoyed every minute of it! Nothing's coming to mind, really.
K - What was the best thing you bought?
Tickets again.
L - Whose behavior merited celebration?
Jon Stewart.
M - Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The muckrakers and unthinkers again.
N - Where did most of your money go?
Still mortgage.
O - What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Meeting someone, my road trip West, and DragonCon.
P - What song(s) will always remind you of 2010?
Not really, although I’m having fun listening to DJ Earworm’s United State of Pop each year.
Q - Compared to this time last year, are you:
1. happier or sadder?
Happier again.
2. thinner or fatter?
Probably fatter. :/
3. richer or poorer?
Definitely poorer, although oddly I think I’m in a better financial position.
R - What do you wish you'd done more?
Reflection and organization.
S - What do you wish you'd done less of?
T - What was your favorite TV program?
The Daily Show.
U - Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don’t think so.
V - What was the best book you read?
I'm still hacking my way through House of Leaves, I've totally failed the conditions placed on its loan to me. Very enjoyable, though.
W - What was your greatest musical discovery?
“Bust your windows.”
X - What did you want and get?
Lots of stuff on my Christmas list, support, recognition, and invitations.
Y - What was your favorite film of this year?
Another Pixar film made me cry, “Toy Story 3”.
Z - What did you do on your birthday?
Great weekend: Pirate party, movies, games, and lounging by the pool.
AA - What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Still resolutions accomplished, and figuring out my wife’s name.
BB - How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Nothing new, really. Rotating and overstuffed.
CC - What kept you sane?
DD - Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Padma Lakshmi.
EE - What political issue stirred you the most?
Hooray for Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Doesn’t Matter!
FF - Who did you miss?
I still miss my ex-, just a little bit, but between tapping, time, and understanding, that's pretty much played out.
GG - Who was the best new person you met?
Gina and Marcio have been a lot of fun.
HH - Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
Pay attention.
II - What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself?
Once again, I'm amazing and fun.
JJ - The most touching experience you've had this year?
A letter about how important I am.
KK - What did you like most about yourself this year?
Still determination. Or stubbornness, as some would say.
LL - What did you hate most about yourself this year?
Not paying attention, doing old patterns.
MM - Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Cooler than me.
NN - What are your plans for 2010?
New performances, promotion, greater integration of my ideal self and plans with my actions and thoughts.
OO - What are your wishes for the new year?
Time machine, good health, mind reading, global health, peace, prosperity, understanding, a fantastic love life, the resolutions, game design recognition, aaaaand... stuff.