I keep finding reasons not to write this, so obviously I should do it. Not that there's anything earth-shattering this time around, I think there's just that same aversion to "getting it wrong". :P
D&D has been fantastically cinematic of late. After one difficult session, I feel like we're getting a good groove: Playing awesome stuff, having meaningful conversations (never mind that both of those involve imaginary characters), and good scenic clips to write later.I dropped Sweetheart off to a conference and spent a few hours at Borders, going back and forth between reading and writing. Finished a "Zits" book, browsed the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, with which I'm really torn.More about that, actually: Despite how dumb some of the changes seemed, a lot of the changes in 4th edition made sense to me, especially taxonomy. I've already started using "bloodied" as a status shorthand (occasionally replacing with other adjectives for more obscure or non-existent biologies). I'm going to have to review more about 5th to see how much they kept. Two parts of the shakedown problem, though: For the first, repeated edition changes have weakened the D&D brand, and the mechanical consequences thereof either mess with the in-world continuity or make drastic changes to the world. Rather than a reboot, you're watching Batman (2nd edition). For the second (edition), I've started collecting Pathfinder material... in fact, the aforementioned D&D game is happening in Paizo's world. There's a bit of sunk cost fallacy here, but since I have all this 3rd edition material as well as Pathfinder material, I'm more inclined to use it. At the same time, collector brain is pulling my head to get all the things.
... I'll have to see how compatible it is.Anyways... where was I? Oh, right, picked Sweetheart up from the meeting, went to see Bodies. Simultaneous feelings of ripoff (only 5 rooms with 6 exhibits each for $20+?) and really cool (nasal cavities, filled veins in the outlines of the lungs, fetal development). Still some ethical concerns. One specific part of the exhibit was unexpectedly touching: Healthy lungs, then smokers lungs, then a big plastic box littered with cigarettes with a sign over it. The sign said, "We want you to live as long as possible. Please dispose of your cigarettes here. Quit today!" Saw the aforementioned exhibit with friends, followed by a touch of shopping, and dinner with same. Hauled ass to visit parents while they were still in town, S'mom is doing well (despite the delay). Nice to be able to hang out a bit more.
Following morning, drove out the the Little White House. Doesn't seem possible for a president to have such a humble estate, not much larger than my own. Very pleased reading pieces of history. We could use another Roosevelt. Intentionally took the scenic route to Callaway Gardens, had some nice scenic vistas and a few blinding curves during the sunset. The Christmas getup was pretty carnival-hawker and commercial; not surprising, but still a little annoying. Got in line for the "Fantasy in Lights" drive-through. I'm satisfied that we did it, but probably not going again any time soon. We had three very nice experiences there, two of which actually had nothing to do with the lights. First, we saw a heron fly over the road. At least, given its size, we're assuming it was a heron; not sure, given the dark. Second was travelling through the simplest part of the getup: Streamers of white lights, and that's it. Reminded me of the aspens in Sleeping Beauty, or some other Disney scene. Third was the moon reflected off the lake. There were a handful of times the "Wagon ride" flashed their lights at us when we took too long stopping to take pictures. Had a wonderful dinner at what was probably the only restaurant open for a dozen miles, and headed home.
Monday I took off for medical purposes. The dentist couldn't find anything wrong. Dental assistant was new, but we hit it off right away. Intermezzo for breakfast, always nice other than that one time we ran out because we hadn't been served anything but water for half an hour. Good chiropractic work on my hips. Was planning to see the movie at Atlantic Station, but I missed the first showing and the second showing would have made me late for my appointment. Had a very nice lunch at Strip, window shopped for a bit, and made it to the Red Cross. Unfortunately, my recent BCG vaccination has me on a temporary deferral (despite the fact that it used to be a regular vaccination in the US). Went to see Big Hero 6, ran around the theater like crazy because I was the only one there. (A few others showed up after the trailers started playing.)
I'm sure stuff happened Tuesday and Wednesday, but I don't remember it at the moment.. Thursday was the board meeting. For the first, I think I'm being groomed to be the next president. For the second, there was a contentious discussion where it seemed each side was taking things the other person said in the worst possible way. Not sure if or how to defuse that. Kind of on-edge about tonight's meeting, actually; I think there might be shouting for the first time.
Saturday was shopping and low-energy and some small house rearrangements. Sunday was super cozy and exercising and my first tango in a few months.
I am happy and healthy and really appreciate my sweetheart.