May 05, 2010 19:23
Just working through the last 15 or so business days left at my current job. (Something I like to call "Endgame")
I'm working out some issues in my personal life, but it shouldn't impact me attending Fanime. There are a few people I would like to talk to, hopefully people I can trust, as I'm known for being somewhat "compartmentalized" and guarded about my life behind the scenes, except for when I'm telling way too much about myself here, and on Facebook, and Flickr. ^_^;
Seriously, there a couple of my friends I need to talk to, and very soon. You know who you are, and it will affect a couple of planned concepts later in the year, perhaps next year. Where I am in my "Life After Relay" job situation may also affect future plans.
The good news is - I'm not dying, I'm not going to prison, and I'm not being kicked out of my house. It may, however, shine some more insight into why I've become who I am in recent years.
Anyway, enough cryptic psycho-babble for now. I'm rearranging some pages from to - Yesterday, I parked so the domain now points to the servers, and it is live and working. Old page links may break until I redirect and replicate content. The intention is to shut down server, as I'm paying $33 four times a year for 500 MB space, a handful of MySQL databases (5 max), 5 subdomain names, etc., and it's kind of silly, seeing as I'm paying slightly less per year for 200 GB space, more MySQL DBs, subdomains, and email addresses than I could possibly hope to use within the next 10 or more years. It makes sense economically, and so I only have to maintain one server instead of two.
That's about it for now. Drop me a line if you feel the need.
behind the scenes