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Mar 02, 2009 12:18

ATTENTION! This version is still under construction. The layout isn't final and there're be LOTS of new stuff coming. Thank you for your patience!

I just realized I hadn't posted a link to my Raichu fansite yet. It's in Finnish only and there's no English version coming because it's grown quite big during over seven years and I'm too lazy to translate it. But if it helps even a bit, I can translate some of the words here. Just ask if there's a common used Finnish word on the site you'd like to know in English and I'll add it to the list. :)

adoptoitavia = adoptables
fanigalleria = fan (art) gallery
hologrammeja = lenticular cards
julisteet = posters
kuvagalleria = picture gallery
lelut = toys
linkitä = link to us
linkkejä = links
mangakokoelma = manga collection
muuta = others
oheistuotteita = merchandise
pelikortit = TCG cards
Pikachun Loma -keräilykortit = trading cards from the movie Pikachu's Vacation
sekalaiset keräilykortit = miscellanous trading cards
sekalaiset paperitavarat = miscellanous things made of paper
sekalaiset tavarat = miscellanous things
sivuista = about the site
tarrat = stickers
tietoa = information
vieraskirjat = guestbooks (note: you can also sign them in English, German or Swedish if you can't write Finnish!)

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