Getting My Life On Track

Aug 12, 2008 23:06

Hey all. I'm back and probably a bit more wiser.  I'm trying to organize my life to make it better.

Janksy and I have seperated relationship-wise, but we're still friends.  We still talk to each other online and I can still call him on the cell.  My time together with him taught me one thing: I shouldn't limit myself and I need to push myself further to live better and become successful later on in life.

I'm not gonna be moving out of the house for awhile, not until the economy people get their facts straight, so I'm thinking about redecorating my room.  If you saw my room, you'd think I was the most boring and probablay laziest person in the house.  Got dirty white walls, no posters or wall decor showing my fandoms (except for a Hello Kitty calender), a border that I had up since I was in the 4th grade, and a got cheap plastic dressers holding my clothes.  I plan on repainting my walls. Maybe a light blue..but NOT periwinkle! >< *shudders* And get more furniture in here as well so I can have less clutter in here.

Also there's losing this weight.  Walking isn't gonna work; had some gun violence on my street a while back, wild dogs are roaming around, and it doesn't feel good walking on the track when most of the people there are already skinny.   I'm getting a bicycle (I think a mountain bike is the kind I need) and Wii Fit, if I can ever get to GameStop on time to get one. The GameStop here gets only 2-3 Wii Fit sets a day and they're gone by the end of that day.   The only thing I can do until then is watch what I eat.  Drink lots of water, don't eat a lot of fried food or food with sugar and salt in it, and eat more fruits and veggies.  Also looking into SlimQuik to see if that could help me as well.

Also found a new place that has clothes, decor, and other accessories that's more my style.  For those of you who are inspired by Asian culture or like cute, random styles, check out Shana Logic website. I want the sushi pillows! @_@

My dream of working into the gaming industries is put on hold right now.  I'm in debt until I can somehow pay back $500 a month to these people.  I'm still writing as well, not as much, and I have a couple of ideas that I want to bring to life using Anime Studio Pro or Abode Flash, but it's gonna be awhile until I get ahold of either one of them.

The only way I'm gonna do all this is to get a better job, which I'm still seeking, or get one of my stories published.  I have a few fans pushing me to do so, but  that'll take some time (and money) too.

So many things I wanna do, so many dreams I want to complete but they either seem impossible to do or too far to reach.  Probably the only thing that keeps pushing me to complete them is a proverb on my bookmark I bought sometime ago "From small beginnings comes great things".
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