Observation #2: Facebook-PART 2

Mar 14, 2009 12:31

I don't really join that many groups. Those ones that want to reach a certain number of members don't really matter to me... It's just not possible for everybody on Facebook to join your group to find everyone on Facebook cause there are people out there who would just reject the invitation. I don't say it to be mean, but it's just not a realistic goal. I don't want to join a group just for the sake of joining a group. Things like those serve no true purpose.

Kind of like the groups that people create as an attempt to "stick it to Facebook." Facebook doesn't care how many people join a certain group, it doesn't mean they are going to fix or change whatever the people are upset about. It's unfortunate, but it's fact. Facebook groups don't serve as petitions. If you were serious about trying to make a suggestion for change, then it would be best trying an individual feedback message: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=uex_feedback_home . If you intelligently form an opinion, you get a better chance of making your case than plastering Facebook's page with threats of leaving or "bruing old faecbuok bak!!11" http://www.facebook.com/facebook?ref=pf

There are QUITE the crybabies out there. Check that link above to Facebook's page. It was the same way after Facebook2, people spam up the Facebook-affiliated pages and applications with complaints, unintelligible babble, and empty threats. I mean, no, I am not a fan of the Facebook3, but in the long run, it doesn't matter. Facebook doesn't care what how much people don't like how things are. They don't care about so-called threats of members to go to back to Myspace only for them to be back online the next day. They care about coherent feedback that's going to make their site better. If you have nothing to do but complain, no one's going to pay attention to you. If you can get over how upset you are and express in a mature way what you do and do not like, you still may not get what you want, but at least you had a CHANCE.

I won't like the next update to Facebook, I'll get used to it after a while, they'll change it to something newer I like even less, and the cycle will continue. I know that's the way it's gonna be. I'm not happy with it, but I least I know it's coming. If more people understood that Internet applications are ever-changing things, I think they wouldn't be as mad when something changes on them.


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