Tapped for a meme. I think these are the best instructions that I've seen on a questionnaire so far. Usually, I have to edit them myself. Because I am weird like that. But these pass the test.
1. Answer the questions honestly. (Change any question you don't like to something you do.)
2. Tag some friends. Eight is plenty, but try and at least tag ONE PERSON.
3. If you don't get tagged, but want to take part, THEN PLEASE DO. :D
4. Remember to smile. ♥
Who/what sleeps in bed next to you?
I have a pillow from Allie that has my name in green glitter that. But that's towards the end of my bed. CLOSE ENUFF. It keeps mah feets warm.
What did you last eat?
Seasoned Hot Pocket Mediterranean Pizza. And Flipz. And Fresca. And Watermelon Sour Patch gummies. WHAT THE HECK KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT, I SOUND LIKE A... College student. >___>:
What kind of books do you read?
Lately, the ones that my English courses require me to buy and read. But I tend to do more skimming than reading. Meh.
Who is your newest 'discovery' in terms of musical artist?
TV on the Radio. Saw them on Colbert a while back and got two of their albums so far. Wasn't sure about them at first, but their songs have really grown on me...
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Home. Weirdly enough. Just want to be done with this semester already...
What was your childhood dream?
To be a marine biologist. I liked the ocean and the little critters in it. Seemed like a good fit at the time. But then I realized that I am bad at Science because it involves Math, which I am even worse at. English Major FTWiiiiiiiin.
Name one odd item within five feet of you.
My calcium pills in a plastic baggie on my desk so I remember to take them.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Prolly WoW. Iz bads, but I dunnoh. Leveling gives life meaning, sad as that sounds.
What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Really wanted to get my Spanish project started. This would entail going down to the Center for International Education and talking with the advisors about one of the programs that you can study abroad in Spain and/or Latin America. I mean, it's hard enough that I'm not really, super-interested in the subject as it is, but having to TALK to someone else who IS!? That's madness. One can only fake interest so much. How am I supposed to convincingly inquire about programs that I have no desire/means to participate in? Ugh. I walked over to the building but couldn't go inside. I had no idea what to ask about, so I just left. Whatevs. I'm just going to end up with a B for the year anyways, this thing is only 10% of my grade. ALL my tests were B'S. ALL. No matter if I thought I did very well or very poorly, I still managed to get B's. No complaints, though. At least I'm passing my last year of this language... Wewt.
What are you most excited for?
Going on break. Sort of. Lately I've been doing more worrying than anticipating. I can't really think of anything I'm really waiting for... Maybe for the Christmas season to be over... It takes foreeevverrr. It doesn't help that it started earlier this year either.
I dunno who to tag so...someone volunteer. >__>: