Aug 14, 2014 01:28
No one ever truly knows you.
No one can see inside your soul and really understand who you are. At least that is how it feels.
And I know "people aren't mind readers" and all that, but at the same time no one wants to write out a list that says "Here is who I am, here is everything about me". Nobody COULD do that. It couldn't possibly contain everything and even then something about the feeling would not be right - because anybody can know something if they've got a manual about it. Sometimes spelling it out makes you more alone than if they never knew anything at all.
So the best you can do is leave a bread crumb trail. You drop out little bits and pieces. "This song is very important to me." or "This is my favourite book" or "here is something I would never do".
And you hope that anyone cares, that anyone is interested in putting together those clues and building the picture of what you are. That people see all of these things and understand what they are to you. Understand what you're made of on the inside.
but sometimes people don't
hell, even most of the time, maybe they don't.
i guess you can't blame them but it gets tiring after a while.
you put the clues out there clear as you can make them
But no one even bothers.