Only two weeks before X'mas...

Dec 10, 2008 20:48

Visit *pnish*'s site and a news about Jump Festa 2009...

Only Eiji-san this year?

Will take my leave from office - for X'mas- New Year Holiday , starting from 28 Dec'08 - 04 Jan'09. Long Holiday finally *__________*.

[TxN] Girls, or anyone? wanna have fangirling day XDDD~. I believe I'll finish [Samurai Mode] soon *cross finger*. lately my net gettin worse *sighs*.

Still torn and confuse to decide what goods that I'll buy beside The Concert Pamflet...

Want to buy the Phone Strap or the Blanket + Bag -- but too expensive ;_____;. 1.300 Yen & 2.500 Yen >.>*headdesk*

Just wondering...Samurai Mode do have a pamflet? rite? cause no one share it until now...hmm perhaps it's too difficult to scan it...but dunno...anyone know? I don't see it on *pnish* web too though. How about the photosets? Me wanna see Leader's and Tsucchi *_________*.

random, rl, *pnish*

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