Special post for larva_zax XD~

Nov 03, 2008 22:32

[HAPPY BIRTHDAY]~~ to larva_zax. I've said it via sms but still~~ have a wonderful birthday. Hope you'll like this little present from me XD~ (& sorry I unable to finish the other banner >.< will do it tomorrow *bow*)

Countdown til the '4th' November for [TxN](dammit my brain failed to remember about that changes >.< *headdesk* thx to juudenkanryou for remind me *hug*) & '8th' November for [Akame] plus '16th' November for Nagayama-san birthday...

What should I do for those dates??

Chat Conference on 4th or 5th or even 6th?? XDD;;; coz I think I only able to chat on 6th ^^;;;.

Akame's Night on the 8th??

Birthday Party on 16th together with [TxN] Jakarta Member??

Lesse later laa~*sighs*

I'm sleepy -- will sleep now jya~

akame, txn, birthday

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