A little update...

Aug 29, 2008 14:27

Almost weekend...

Tomorrow I'll get my 'off' day...so will spend it all day at home - perhaps. :P Because :
1. No one available to go with me to Mangga Dua Mall XD;
2. My Parents + My Sister won't be at home since the morning til the night.
3. On Sunday -- I'll meet with [txn] girls~. larva_zax Va, please do tell me if you can come too *O*.We'll meet @ Grand Ind.
Can't wait for Sunday XDD~

Still, I hope everything will be allright and smooth~ and I won't get 'weird mood' attack again lol. ^^;;; yesterday I ate lots of chocolate and stuff coz of that attack >.<. Skipped Breakfast & Lunch *nod*. Well today too. (*gasp* that's mean I only - ate rice once O_o since yesterday & ate a bunch of snacks/choco ^^;;). Anyway -- aldy feel better now *nod*.

There's another 3 hour til office hour end...but since there'll be a 'ramah tamah' (lol forgot the english) event in my office (kind of 'dinner for all the employee' thing). I believe I'll arrive at home very late.

Saa.....back to work now~*waves hand*

EDIT: >.< the most important thing almost forgotten *head desk*. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY to kat8cha. May this year all your dreams come true & wish all the best for you ^^~.

reallife, random

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