manikineko -- Denise, [HAPPY BIRTHDAY] ^o^. Wish allthe best for you. May God bless you in everything -more- this year*showering you with hearts and gifts*.
Then the personality test ~
The analytical thinker is a reserved, quiet person. He likes to get tothe bottom of things - curiosity is one of his strongest motives. He wants to know what holds the world together deep down inside. He does not really need much more to be happy because he is a modest person.Many mathematicians, philosophers and scientists belong to this type.He loathes contradictions and illogicalness; with his sharp intellect,he quickly and comprehensively grasps patterns, principles andstructures. He is particularly interested in the fundamental nature ofthings and the oretical findings; for him, it is not necessarily aquestion of translating these into practical acts or in sharing his considerations with others. The analytical thinker likes to work alone;his ability to concentrate is more marked than that of all otherpersonality types. He is open for and interested in new information.
The analytical thinker has little interest in everyday concerns - he is always a little like an “absent-minded professor” whose home and workplace are chaotic and who only concerns himself with banalitiessuch as bodily needs when it becomes absolutely unavoidable. The acknowledgement of his work by others does not play a great role forhim; in general, he is quite independent of social relationships and very self-reliant. He therefore often gives others the impression thathe is arrogant or snobby - especially because he does not hesitate tospeak his mind with his often harsh (even if justified) criticism andhis imperturbable self-confidence. Incompetent contemporaries do not have it easy with him. But whoever succeeds in winning his respect and interest has a witty and very intelligent person to talk to. A partner who amazes one with his excellent powers of observation and his very dry humour.
It takes some time before an analytical thinkermakes friends, but then they are mostly friends for life. He only needs very few people around him. Their most important ability is to be a match for him and thus give him inspiration. Constant social obligations quickly get on his nerves; he needs a lot of time alone and often withdraws from others. His partner must respect this and understand that this is not due to the lack of affection. Once he has decided in favour of a person, the analytical thinker is a loyal andreliable partner. However, one cannot expect romance and effusive expressions of feelings from him and he will definitely forget his wedding anniversary. But he is always up to a night spent with stimulating discussions and a good glass of wine!.
PS: Sorry for the inconvenient >.< semagic & LJ didn't work really well before so I need to re-post this *sighs*.