Fuck the Politics like FOB fucks like rabbits.

Jul 25, 2007 03:40


So Rai and Rai friends went to karaoke a few months ago and someone sang a song called Dance Dance by Fall out boy. Rai being Rai, I had no idea who these people were, but friends assured me that the MV was hilarities, so two months later I check it out <---- procrastinator.
All I gots to say is [Wao.]

....did I just see one gitaroo man lick seven inches of the other guitarooman's guitar neck?

I swear it looks as bad as it sounds.

(Rant starts here)

On a mite darker note, I'm not looking forward to August 8th.

<--- Bullshit's starting all ready.

Yes yes, I know, Goddamn Rai, She's Japanese and thus bombed pearl harbor, raped the Asias, and personally made Pokemon so fucking addicting. Goddamn Rai, she's American, thus she's personally responsible for Nagasaki (Easier for her to bomb it since her Gramma's house is only two hours from it), the 1998 remake of Godzilla and Nuclear Cancer. Blah blah N/S Koreans hate us China hates us, America hates us when they're not too busy drooling over our 2-D magical shojo panties.

Fuck I'm tired of this political bullshit. I honestly can't give a shit about Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, or Pearl Harbor, or the Rape of Nanking, or Iraq or any of that fucking shit. All that any of those events make me feel is depression for humanity.
So the Japanese government won't apologise to the various asses it's fucked. So what? You don't see the US government apologizing for Hawaii or Iraq. History's the past, eventually all this shit isn't going to matter. Humans will drop bombs on who they want to, humans will want to be pitied, humans are all invariably flawed.

But for some fucking foreigner to be standing on his fucking soapbox acting as if though all Japanese people don't give a shit or refuse that history happened is just insulting. For being a English teacher for the amount of time that he did, he doesn't even know jack shit about the textbooks he's trying to talk about. I hate how this guy admits that he first moved to Japan because he was a fanboy of the culture, now he hates it there because the Japanese in general suck so bad, but he's too lazy to move back to the US and find a job.

Y'can't counter and parry and one up history in an attempt to reach a higher moral ground. It's not as simple as Pearl Harbor ---> Atom Bomb -----> Balances out Rape of Nanking -----> Counter balance Japanese Internment Camps in the US. World peace doesn't work like that. You can't say that well it's ok for one country to fuck over another country because this third country was fucked over by country #2. It's never ok for military troops to cause death of civilians. It's not ok for the government to torture and indefinitely detain people. It's not ok for soldiers to rape civilians.

I don't give a shit to what Military vs. Military does to each other, its all just 2P colors in Rai's mind. But why are people still talking about Japanese bullshit when there is still a war going on? People haven't stopped dying because the media got tired of covering it. Some of the people I see replying to this guys blog irritate me so much, since their stance is "Don't talk shit about the US, you don't live here. Besides we hate Bush too."
Then don't talk shit about other countries pasts. It only serves to piss people off.
At the end of the day, no one is going to change their minds about their historical beliefs. It's like the Dollzone vs. VOLKS debate. It's pointless and only pisses people off, and at the end of the day, I'm still getting a pair of Megi twins and Maki will still be a VOLKS Luna.

Internationally shitstorms might go down, but it's not going to affect us as long as people care for the people they personally know. To simplify things, if I was in charge of the big red button, aside from the fact that I'm a political pacifist, I couldn't bomb South Korea because I've met the people at Elf Doll from there and they are awesome. I couldn't kill off the Chinese because I have work buddies that are Chinese and they'd prolly most certainly beat me ass. Most of the Chinese, Korean, (Insert list of countries Japan has fucked over) people I've met personally are fucking cool. They don't give a shit that my great great ancestor on me mum's side *might* have raped/killed someone on their great great ancestor side. It doesn't occur to either of us to 'avenge' ourselves of the other country. We've moved on, we've got better shit to do (Like making fun of the English testers since we get paid Asian Language rate).

I think it's little things like that; if everyone has a people they care about and reasons not to kill other people (Which you think would be simple enough), then eventually we will have world peace. (And if we have to worry about the environment and the exploding birth rates, well at least it's better than War.)

When Rai conquers the world, we will have love & peace goddammit.


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