Title: Fatal Strike
Challenge prompt: 18. "Under the glass moon" --
20_inkspots (Dark set--full table
here) with
Characer: Clark, Bruce, Fiorella
Rating: PG-13?
Disclaimer: Each character belongs to DC or their respective owners.
mithen owns Fiorella. :)
Warning: Violent acts.
Summary: Clark and Bruce deal with Fiorella--and their growing relationship.
Note: For "Two Forms, One Soul (Chapter Eight.)"
Sorry, this one is big. And not sexy or fluffy one. And I'm also sorry that I would not be able to reply to the comments in the former post and this one soon.
Series: Two Forms, One SoulChapter Eight is
here. ^o^
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
I got my hands and arms nearly twisted while I was trying to figure out how the wings of Bruce and Fiorella would be in the pic. lol.
It's always hard for me to draw legs. Mmmmmm.
A little close-ups. :)
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
Clark looks angrier than Bruce. ;)
Just a small doodle for practicing vampire!Bruce.
No picture or any part thereof may be used without my express consent.