
Apr 28, 2008 13:13

It is beginning to feel like warmth is going to win in the hot and cold battle of this spring. And here is the short list of plans for these warm sunny months.

Summer--a time to chase fireflies.

I love cutting grass and working hard enough to get sweaty.
I love the opportunity to be eaten alive by mosquitoes and other similarly inflammatory biting bugs
I'm looking forward to staying in one place (well at least my stuff) for the entirety of the summer and having friends over for food and time together.
I'm looking forward to going to explore the mountains and secondhand furniture shopping.
I'm looking forward to camp meeting and being home with my family.
I enjoy the change of not being a full time student and then the anticipation of going back to school.
The presence of people that i love and new people.
Swimming because it is deathly hot
Kissing as the summer sun goes down so beautifully late.
Reading things that don't pertain to pharmacy :)
It is such a grand time

Oh did I mention my birthday--and the homemade ice cream.

What are your plans for the next few months?
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