a shorter one.

Aug 08, 2005 11:39

7/31 - 8/2

Nothing much has been going on these days. On the 31st Sunday we went on an expedition to meet two of my mom's mama-jis (maternal uncles) and one of my nani's oldest friends whom she knew from childhood. It was okay because the gave us a lot of respect, called here "isith", and tried to make us comfortable and showered us with foods, including Kulfi, which is a favorite Indian ice cream dish. One of my great uncles has been to Canada and America, so I asked him what is the order of preference of the three countries he's been in. He replied India, then Canada, and then America. I asked him why the US was ranked low, because you know, everyone agrees Canada is just America junior. He replied "too many negros". What a hoot. Anyway, that's about it for that day.

The First of this month was spent playing a lot of Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, which I've acquired a great deal of affinity for. We went out for dinner with Nani, and that's about it.

The Second was good because I got to go to my Massi's house, and from there I gave my last update on my Live Journal and was able to chat with some of my buddies, namely Bo, C. Charles, Victor, Andrew, James, Priya, and Varun. That was pleasant. It was also nice to read the e-mails a number of you all sent my way. It's good to get mail. After firing off some replies, I got off the line (it's dial up and there is only one phone line) and watched Ferris Bueler's Day Off with the dear cousin Shweta. My massi made a huge lunch for us with 5 dishes so I came out of there quite stuffed. We saw Pooji and Krishan uncle as we were driving back home, but didn't really get to spend time with them. When we got home I read Deepak Chopra's book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success". Gautam mama is a huge fan of that guy and has been asking me to read his stuff for a while now, so I finally got the chance when I borrowed the book from massi. I agree with a lot of what he says, but his recommendations are going to be hard to follow. The first law is the Law of Potentiality, and he recommends to reach the plane where all things become possible you have to meditate for an hour a day, ideally 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. I tried it and couldn't hold concentration for more than 2 minutes. Too many thoughts in this ADHD head, I guess. He also says not to pass judgement on anything. I will try to do that from now on. The second law is the Law of Giving, where he wants you to give give give. I can give my blessings and well wishes to everyone that comes my way, so that part shouldn't be too hard. The next is the Law of Karma, basically meaning you reap what you sow. I always was a believer in karma... what goes around must come around, and all that. The fourth law is the Law of Least Effort. Of course I agree with this! Less effort is what I'm all about! Effort minimalism for life, man! The fifth law is the Law of Intention. He says you have to have goals and desires fixed and you should think about them before and after you meditate to let the superconscious potential everyone has access to do some creative thinking to find a solution for you. Seems like a good idea, but the meditation barrier has to be overcome first. The sixth law is the Law of Detachment, where he says you must detach yourself from your goals after you set them so you don't become fixated on doing things a certain way and leave yourself inflexible to different results that may be better. I like this idea, so I'll try to go with it. He also says to not have to defend a point of view and be accepting of all points of view. I don't know about this. I disagree with the part where he says you shouldn't have a point of view and shouldn't defend your beliefs, but I'll agree that you need to be open to other ideas. The last law is the Law of Dharma, which states you should have a purpose in life, and everyone has a unique speciality at which they are better than anyone else at. He goes on to say that you should spend your efforts and use your special abilities in the service of others. I like that idea. All of these things I feel I knew already, but he just put them on paper in a clear way. I dunno though. I can't recommend this book, but I won't say it's a waste because even though you can figure most of this stuff out on your own, it's good to see the ideas shared by others. That's about it for this day.

8/3 - 8/7

As all can see, my updates are becoming less and less regular. This is in part due to not doing much exciting stuff and part due to my own laziness. What I've been up to is just going around shopping with my mom and massi or just hanging out at home. I've also been going out on walks with my nana in the evening sometimes. Well, I walk around the park and he sits on the benches and chats with other elderly gentlemen. One exciting thing that I have done lately is go to wedding exposition. My mom wanted to go and my massi had tickets, combine that with me having nothing better to do and you have the formula of me going to an event you could never imagine me at. Anyway, it was interesting. There were a lot of beautiful people there, including some models. Indian weddings are quite extravagant. I brought a bunch of broshures and pamphlets showcasing the garb and hinting at the extravagan jewelry. It's insane. Some of the pieces they were showing at and my mom took a shining to cost like 20,000 DOLLARS. And those were just the ones she liked... there were definitely bigger and better ones there. Boy howdy. Anyway, thats about it. Other than that it has been massages (they are big on that here), walks to the fruit and vegetable stand with my mom, and talking and relaxing with nani. Oh yes, and plenty of Spider Solitaire. Fun times for sure. Until next time..!

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