Nov 07, 2006 15:55
1. I have been re-learning that loneliness is not necessarily an affliction. Loneliness is everywhere, and it can be very wonderful. For the sake of the survival of civilization, we've made it out to seem like an undesirable condition, because if everyone were always alone, then civilization would die out. And it's true; you can't be alone all the time; you wouldn't survive. But you can be lonely for a long time and it doesn't have to be bad. Loneliness is humanity. Everyone is lonely, because every person is the only person inside their own head. And it's fun, and you need it, and it is often a welcome antidote to the chatter and bustle of civilization: sweet, sweet silence; privacy; time to be alone with God. I walk around friendless these days, and I am realizing (remembering?) that it can be a joy to have no one to call or talk to or have lunch with. It's certainly no reason to be any sadder than usual. So I won't be. I'll be like I am, and hope that no real reason for despair comes along. If I can keep my head clear, the odds are in my favor.
2. Idolatry is everywhere. Everywhere you look people are trying to declare themselves godly, without ever saying it outright. Politics, fashion, social interaction. So many people whispering under their breath, "I am God" or "this thing is God." Even religion is ninety percent idolatry. Especially religion. Religion can't accept human powerlessness, can't accept death, can't accept the vastness of the universe, so they create a god. They say, "This is God. Don't disrespect God. God is in charge of everything." But what they are really saying is, "I created God. Don't disrespect Me. I am in charge of everything." No, I say. That is not God. God is not graspable like that. God created me; I did not create God. I can never understand God at all. Even me saying this is self-advancing and is borderline idolatry. But I have to keep striving for humility in God's presence. Idolatry is the part of human nature that we have to control; it is the yetzer hara, the evil inclination.
3. I started to miss livejournal. How are you people out there? (Is it just Katie Harper and Katie Disabato?) Leave me a comment and maybe I'll post some news on the music career and all that jazz. I mean, rock n roll. Love you.